Chapter 2

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The girls and I were on our way to go to McDonalds in our disguises. We were going to go to the drive-trough but we couldn't risk it. We just ordered and payed and were waiting by the window for our order. I was looking out of the window deep in thought about (Y/N). She doesn't know me, yet she stuck up for me. The way she spoke with such confidence, I admired that.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Camila tapping me on my shoulder. "OMG, you guys.. That group sitting over there at that table inside, that's RIOT!." She said pointing out the window. We all looked and saw the group sitting there. Dave, Jenna, Nicki and Josh were in deep conversation while (Y/N) was looking at her drink. I watched as she took a sip of it and placed it back on to the table. It was as if she felt our stares, because she looked up and met my gaze.

I felt a spark going trough my body when she looked at me, it was so intense. After a while she smiled at me, I guess she knew it was me. I returned it and we kept staring at each other. After a few seconds she broke our gaze because of a few fans who came to talk to her.

"Wow, that was intense. That was such a Twilight kind of moment." Normani said breaking the silence that fell in the car. I turned my attention back to the girls and saw them all looking either at (Y/N) or at me, so I guess they witnessed the intimate moment the young star and I just shared.

Suddenly the door of our van swung open. "Any of you girls need to use the restroom?" Big Rob asked us. Camila and Normani nodded. "You guys come with us! Come say hi to RIOT! especially you Lauren." Camila smirked wiggling her eyebrows as her and Dinah dragged me out of the car. I tried to fight my way of their grip but Dinah was too strong.

Before I knew it the girls let me go and walked into the lady's room smirking, leaving me behind. I groaned and turned around. "Are you okay?" Some one asked me. I looked at the person asking me and saw 5 out of 5 from RIOT! looking at me from a table next to where I was standing.

I smiled and nodded, not saying anything not trusting my voice at the moment because I was too nervous.

Why was I nervous though?

My question was answered when I met (Y/N)'s gaze. Those eyes, they're so...beautiful yet intriguing.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I heard Dave ask breaking mine and (Y/N)'s staring contest. I nodded again, still not breaking eye contact with (Y/N).

"You and your bandmates could join us if you want to and if you're free? We're huge Harmonizers." Nicki said smiling.

Before I could answer my bandmates all sat down, while I hadn't even noticed they came back or agreed because I was too distracted by (Y/N)'s hypnotizing eyes.

I silently sat down aswell, across from (Y/N), at the end of the table. Everybody else were in deep conversation while (Y/N) and I just watched each other intensely not saying a word.

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