Chapter 9

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Hey guys,
I know it's been a while but here's Chapter 9. I've been dealing with some personal problems, so yeah..
Anyways I hope you like this chapter, it's longer than usual I think so yeah haha.

Love you guys!
Xoxo Alyssa


"Okay everyone, we need to go." Big Rob said clapping in his hands. We all stood up and walked outside to our tour bus. We were all still on the girls and I's tour bus because the tour busses of the other acts were at the venue already.

We all got back inside the bus and sat down on the couches at the front. "All ready and seated?" Jerry asked us from behind the wheel, starting up the engine. All of us cheered as Jerry took that as his queue to start driving.  After 15 minutes of driving we arrived at the venue. Jerry parked the tour bus at the secluded parking where the other tour busses also were.

We all got out of the bus and followed the crew inside the venue. We walked to the seats and all sat down at the front row as the crew manager Daniel stood infront of us with a clipboard in his hands. "Okay welcome everyone at The Summer Reflection Tour." Daniel said. All of us cheered and clapped excited for this tour. "Okay I'm going to tell you guys the orders of the performances. This will be the same at your every concert, okay everyone?" Daniel asked us. We all said 'yes' as Daniel took his pencil from behind ear.

"Good. Okay first act is Debby Ryan+The Never Ending. You can go up there already to get your equipment when I'm done. " Daniel said looking from Debby and the boys back to his clipboard writing stuff down. "Okay second is Bea Miller. You can go to the dressing room when we're done." Daniel said gesturing towards Bea who nodded. "Third is.. 'Natalie La Rose'.." Daniel said trying to say her name the way she does in Somebody but failing. We all laughed as Daniel kept a straight face. " Forth act is RIOT!. And Fifth of course is FIFTH Harmony.." Daniel said emphasis on Fifth. We all chuckled as he still held a straight face. "You guys can just go relax a bit or walk around or do what ever you want. But stay in sight of the crew cause we might need you for something okay guys? Let's do this." Daniel finished off as he clapped in his hands and walked away with Debby and the boys following him.  And Bea walking away to her dressing room too.

I stood up along with the girls and stood infront of RIOT! and Natalie. "Okay guys, we still atleast all have half an hour till we need to be somewhere. Wanna do something together?" I asked them. They nodded and stood up aswell. "What should we do guys?" Dave asked all of us. " We could watch a movie or play a game or something in our tour bus?" Ally suggested. We all nodded and walked back to the tour bus but not before telling a crew member where we all were if they would be looking for us.

"Okay guys wanna play a game?" Nicki asked plopping down on the couch along with the rest of us. "What do you suggest?" Natalie asked. "Let's play truth or dare again guys. I have an app on my phone." Nicki said. We all nodded as she took her phone out of her pocket and started putting our names in. "Okay Jenna, truth or dare?" Nikki asked her when her name popped up on the screen. "Dare." Jenna said with a smirk on her face as we all oooh'ed at her bravery. "Okay dare: take three things out of the fridge with your eyes closed and make them into a drink and drink it." Nicki said as we all laughed. Jenna stood up and pulled Dave's bandana off of his head rather too violently, earning a groan from him. She put it on her head to cover her eyes as Josh guided her towards the fridge.

After a minute or two after almost knocking a few things over Jenna made a drink with orange juice, mayonnaise and ham in it. She drank it as if it was nothing and walked away to brush her teeth after and sat back down. "Okay guys let's see.." Nicki said shaking her phone to make it switch names. "Natalie, truth or dare?" She asked Natalie. "Uhm..truth." She answered. "Truth: tell us a secret that no one knows." Nicki read out loud making us cheer and Natalie sigh but smirk after words. "Okay.." She told us, she said something in a different language and smirked at us. "Hey that's not fair we don't know Dutch! So neither of us knows what you said!" Ally said pouting. "Hey you never told me it had to be in English right?" Natalie laughed. She stopped when it looked like she realized something as her head shot to (Y/N), who was trying to cover her laugh with the palm of her hand. "Oh I totally forgot! (Y/N) understands her.. (Y/N) what did she say?" Nicki asked excited and smirking at Natalie. " Don't you dare tell them (Y/L/N).." Natalie warned but it made (Y/N) laugh harder as she removed her hand from her mouth which covered her laugh a bit. She opened her mouth but Natalie shot up from her seat and jumped on (Y/N)'s lap and covered (Y/N)'s mouth with her hand. "Are you licking my hand?! What are you? Four?" Natalie asked (Y/N) who shrugged. (Y/N) pulled Natalie's hand off of her and started trying to talk through laughter as she held on to the Dutch girl's hands. "She.."-(Y/N) said between laughter but was cut off by Natalie screaming and throwing her on the ground and straddling her waist while pinning her hands above her head.

I tried not to be bothered with it but I couldn't help but feel jealous.

(Y/N) mouthed an 'okay' cause it looked like she couldn't speak while laughing, still. "Okay next one, (Y/N) truth or dare?" Nicki asked her. She mouthed a 'dare' still laughing and being straddled by Natalie. "Dare: kiss..Natalie." Nicki said surprised. RIOT! Oooh'ed as Nicki and the rest of the girls looked at me knowing that I like (Y/N).

"Okay.." (Y/N) said with a straight face now.

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