Chapter 7

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So uhm, here's Chapter 7.
Sorry I haven't been updating but it's because Wattpad is acting all poopy and could barely open it :(
But anyways let me know what you thought okay?

Love you guys!


"And that's it guys, great job! Don't forget, you guys are leaving tomorrow for the tour okay?" Sean said smiling at us. "You guys, I'm exhausted." Camila said breathing heavily. "We're finally done though." Debby said wiping the sweat off her forehead. "You guys all wanna go with us to our hotel and order pizza or something?" Dave asked. We all nodded and packed our stuff to go to the hotel where RIOT! was staying at.

After we all had arrived at their hotel room, the conversations started going. We all got to know one another better and had some fun.

I just came back from the bathroom when I saw that the door to the balcony was half open. So I walked outside to the balcony and spotted (Y/N) sitting alone in a chair, looking up at the stars while smoking a cigaret. "Smoking is bad for you, you know that right?" I asked her, making my appearance noticeable. "I would love to make up an excuse right now on why I smoke, but I'm not gonna lie. I smoke cause it calms me, I'm sorry I'm not going all Augustus Waters on you by saying it's not even on and that it's a metaphor."(Y/N) told me making me laugh a bit. I sat down in the chair next to her and looked up at the sky as well.

"So it calms you down?" I asked her after a few seconds. "Everybody experiences things in life differently, just like I experience this cigaret differently than others maybe do. So that it calms me down, doesn't mean it will calm you down. I wouldn't start if I were you." She told me putting her cigaret out on the floor and stepping on it.

"So not to sound like a creep, but I've watched some of your interviews and looked at you. People would say you're arrogant and quiet. " (Y/N) told me I listened as she continued.

"You're not. You're a listener and an observer. You listen to what others have to say but keep your thoughts to yourself. You have a different way of thinking than anybody could imagine. Anybody that could only even get a tiny hint or look at what thoughts and magnificent things go on in that head of yours should be flattered and feel honored. You're intelligent, and not allot of people would get what you think of sometimes. But when you do talk, it's worth every second anybody could waist on listening to you. And when you're quiet it's because you don't want to or need to be in the center of attention. And also sometimes you're quiet because you're grumpy or whatever. But that's just you being honest. Not only to others but also to yourself. You don't put on a fake smile. You're real. You're you. You're just Misunderstood. " (Y/N) told me.

"How is it that we've only met yesterday and you already know me better than anybody else does?" I asked her honestly. "It's not hard to see Lauren. But nobody's looking hard enough. They're just blinded by their own image that they have of you." She told me. "How do you do that?" I asked her looking at her. She turned her attention to me and looked at me confused. " Do what?" She asked me. "You almost never say anything but when you do, all the words that come out are amazing and so..right." I told her. She looked at me sighing.

After a few seconds she stood up and walked to the door to go inside. "Cause I am too, Misunderstood Lauren." She told me walking away after. I just sat there stunned.

This tour is going to be so interesting.

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