Chapter 14

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Hey guys,
So uhm here's another update.
Things are getting better now with my personal problems, I have help now so yeah.. Also, my girlfriend of almost 4 months now is a massive help too.
I love you WildHeartsLiveFree 🙊
Anyways I'll try to update as much as I can.
I love you guys and thank you for caring❤️


Natalie closed the door, causing a silence to fall between her and I, making me wish Natalie was still here.

"So.. How's life?" She asked me. I didn't respond, nor did I lift my gaze from the ground to even slightly look at her. "How is your music doing? I mean.. You're quiet famous and all.." She tried once again. "Come on (Y/N), please talk to me.. Or ask me something or whatever.." She pleaded. "Okay, I have 3 questions.." I told her monotone, still not looking at her. "Okay.." She sighed probably knowing that whatever it was I was about to ask her, it wouldn't be good.

"Okay 1. Why didn't you just tell me about..him?" I asked when she didn't respond, finally looking up to meet her teary eyes. "Because I didn't wanna break your heart.." She told me. "Well where did that lead to? Huh? Do I look fine? Do I look like I wanna kiss you and hug you cause you're back?" I asked sarcastically. She didn't answer but sniffled.

"Okay, 2. You never showed up to any of my gigs, nor did you listen to my music. You never supported my dreams. So tell me.. Why did you show up here after breaking my heart and not even caring about my music..WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! " I said raising my voice at the end of my speech. I looked at her, tears streaming down her face. "You never scream at anybody, what happened to you?" She asked me. "YOU HAPPENED!! YOU BROKE MY HEART! NOW ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION!" I screamed at her. "I wanted to make things right.. I mean.. Robin.. He's not you. And.." She said between sobs untill I broke her off. "Yeah that's bullshit.. Question number 3. Are you still with that dude?" I asked her. She looked at the ground before looking up at me. "Does this andwer your question (Y/N)..?" She said, pain noticeable in her eyes and voice, as she lifted her left hand to show me her wedding ring. Making the question that I had in my song Whatsername, about her being married to him, answered.

I looked back at her face, with a serious expression. "I wish you all the best, and maybe someday we might even meet again. Sometime in the future maybe we can get together, maybe share a drink and talk a while. And reminisce about the days that we were still together. Maybe someday further down the line. And I will meet you there, sometime in the future we can share our stories. When we won't care, about all of our mistakes, our failures and our glories. But until that day comes along.. I'll keep on moving on." I told her, quoting a song of one of our favorite bands; Kodaline, knowing she'd get it. She stood up and was about to step closer to me but the bus door swung open, revealing Big Rob and some other security guards.

"Ma'm, we're gonna have to request you to leave. " Big Rob said in a serious tone, as if not caring she was crying. He looked at me and gave me a smile reassuring smile. Natalie must have told him. I thought to myself.

"Okay.." She said sadly. I could feel her gaze on me as I looked away. I heard her sigh and she made her way towards the door. "Hey Rebecca.. You'll look beautiful walking down the isle. I already know so.." I told her giving her a small smile. She looked back at me as more tears streamed down her face. "I'm sorry (Y/N), you'll find someone better than me I swear.." She told me walking out of the tour bus with Big Rob and the other security guards following. I stood up and walked towards the door of the bus, watching them walk away. I looked around and saw my bandmates, Bea Miller, Debby and the boys, Natalie and Fifth Harmony looking at back and forth. I locked eyes with Lauren as she smiled at me.

"Oh and (Y/N).. She might be closer than you think.." Rebecca told me, looking over her shoulder trying to wink at me but failing. I chuckled at her attempt, she could never wink. I have no idea why. I watched her as she walked away towards the building.


"You guys are such an amazing audience! Give it up for yourself!" I screamed into the mic as the crowd went wild and my bandmates and I clapped as well. "See? Amazing! Anyways.. So our last song was written by.." I said into the mic, looking back at (Y/N) to see her nodding at me and giving me a smile. "Written by (Y/N), she's gonna perform it herself and yeah.. Hope you guys like it! Give it up for (Y/N) ladies and gents!" I told the audience into the mic. They cheered as (Y/N) made her way towards the piano that was placed on the stage. Dave, Jenna, Josh and I walked off and watched (Y/N) from backstage. Bea, Natalie, Debby and the boys and Fifth Harmony were standing next to us, watching aswell.

Nobody knew which song (Y/N) was going to play, not even us. All she asked me was for a moment.

"Hey guys, how are we tonight?" (Y/N) said into the mic. The crowd cheered and so did all of us from backstage. "Good. Normally I don't do stuff like this but uhm, I wanted to clear something out. Last night some paparazzi took pics of a girl walking into the tour bus my bandmates and I share, and was escorted out by the security, she had tears streaming down her face.. Allot of people started spreading rumors. Thinking she's a stalker etc. People found her social media accounts and send her all this hate. But guys, let me clear this out.. By singing a song. Not only to her but also so you guys know.. It's a cover by Kodaline and it fits this entire situation perfectly. If you know the words please sing along." (Y/N) said into the mic. The crowd clapped and went silent as soon as (Y/N) sang and played the first note.

I met you on the corner of the street
I smiled before I even heard you speak
I can accept we're growing older but I guess that's just the way it has to be

I wondered how you still remembered me
I heard you settled down and that you married happily
Do you remember when I told you that I'd loved you to the bottom of the sea?

Yeah I know I know it's over but I guess that's just the way it has to be

Sometime in the future maybe we can get together, maybe share a drink and talk awhile
And reminisce about the days when we were still together
Maybe someday further down the line

And I will meet you there
Sometime in the future we can share our stories
When we won't care about all of our mistakes, our failures, and our glories
But until that day comes along I'll keep on moving on. I'll keep on moving on

It's funny why but it still bothers me
I know it's been so long but I did not expect to see oh how beautiful you are
I guess that all that time apart has done you well

But hey I wish you all the best and maybe someday we might even meet again

Sometime in the future maybe we can get together, maybe share a drink and talk awhile
And reminisce about the days when we were still together
Maybe someday further down the line

And I will meet you there
Sometime in the future we can share our stories
When we won't care about all of our mistakes, our failures, and our glories
But until that day comes along
Until that day comes along
Until that day comes along
I'll keep on moving on. I'll keep on moving on.

I'll keep on moving on..

When (Y/N) finished the song everybody was silent and had tears in their eyes or were already crying. Even the crowd. "Thank you. Good night." (Y/N) said into the mic and walked off stage. We were all in shock as she walked passed us back to the tour bus. I turned around to face everyone and opened my mouth. "So uhm, that was interesting.." I said. Everyone nodded as we heard the crowd clap now, probably awakened from their daze. We heard the announcer say Fifth Harmony would be on next as we all went our separate ways.

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