Chapter 19

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The next morning when I woke up at 8 I got dressed, took a shower and went down to the hotel's restaurant. There was a small buffet of all sorts of breakfasts foods. I spotted my bandmates all around one table, enjoying their breakfasts. I walked towards them and sat down. All four of them shot me a smile obviously not talking with their mouths full. I looked around and saw a stack of trays and plates in the corner so walked towards it to grab some breakfast as well. I put the plate on the tray and walked towards the food.

Just when I was about to put some scrambled egg onto my plate, I felt my tray being lifted out of my hands. I looked up and saw (Y/N) standing in front of me, immediately making me smile. "I'll carry that for you, Laur. " She told me with a smile. I couldn't help but find it cute. "I can carry it myself you know.." I told her giggling. "I never doubted that you can't. I just wanted to carry it for you that's all. " She told me looking into my eyes. I nodded, knowing that I'd never win. "Okay, do you know what you want or do you need me to put something together for you?" She asked me looking at the food then back to me. "You surprise me." I told her, the smiles on our faces never fading. (Y/N) nodded and grabbed a couple of small plates. 

She put fruit on one, scrambled egg on another, bread on another and the last one sweet stuff like chocolate croissants and such. she put them all onto my tray and walked towards an empty table for two. She put the tray down onto the table and pushed my chair for me. She walked towards the coffee and tea cans and made me a cup of tea with honey. 

While she was doing so, I looked at the girls to find them making kissy faces. I rolled my eyes and jokingly stuck my tongue out to them. I turned around and saw (Y/N) approaching me with the cup of tea. She sat next to me and gave me a knife and fork. "Before you, we have scrambled egg which is good for giving you the energy you need today. You can put the egg on this brown and very healthy bread.  I suggest putting some butter on it, not only does it taste good but butter is also good for that beautiful heart of yours.." (Y/N) told me ready to continue. "It's also as smooth as you are.." I told her smirking at her. She looked at me with amusement noticeable in her eyes. She smirked at me and licked her lips before continuing. "We also have some fruit, which obviously is very healthy. It has sugar in it but the good kinds. And we also have some chocolate croissants and beagles, they have sugar in it but not the good kind but thats okay because the rest is already healthy. And as a drink we have a fresh cup of green tea with honey in it. It warms up your stomach and the honey is good for your throat. I packed an orange juice and an apple juice bottle for later for you.." (Y/N) finished smiling at me. 

"What did I do to deserve this all?" I asked her, putting my hand on her cheek, cherishing it with my thumb. "Today is the day I take you out on our first date. And I think you should be treated amazing the entire day and not only on our date. This is our.. Date day..Day-te..? I guess.." (Y/N) said thinking about it while looking somewhere else. I giggled and kissed her cheek. "I love it.." I told her. "Enjoy Lern." (Y/N) told me, grabbing some tea for herself as well. She sat down next to me and I fed her some of my food sometimes too. Every once in a while I would glance back at the girls to find them staring at us, but soon making kissy faces again every time they'd notice I was looking.

Since we were aloud to hang out at the venue during rehearsal breaks. I was sitting in the back lounge of our tourbus with the girls chatting away, when a knock was heard from the other side of the door. We all yelled 'come in' and the door opened, revealing (Y/N). She looked at me and greeted me. "Hey, Laur." She said with a smile on her face. I smiled back at her and waved. She looked from me to the girls to find them all staring at her. "Hey girls, may I steal Lauren away for a bit?" she asked them. They all smiled at her and yelled words, some of them I could make out were 'sure' and 'okay'. She laughed and I stood up to face her. She kissed my cheek and I smiled at her. I looked at the girls out of the corner of my eye and saw them all looking at us happily. Ally looked like that face that Spongebob pulled when he asked if Squidward liked Krabby Patties. (If you don't know it, google it please cause Spongebob is life) 

I looked at (Y/N) to find her already looking at me. "You ready to go Jauregui?" she asked me. "Depends, where are you taking me?" I asked her, looking at her suspiciously. She chuckled and took out a blind fold from her back pocket. I kept looking at her with squinted eyes making her chuckle once again. "Come on, trust me Laur." she told me. I nodded and turned around, allowing her to put the blind fold over my eyes. "Bye girls!" I heard (Y/N) say as she grabbed my hand to lead the way, walking extra slowly so I wouldn't fall or whatever. The girls said bye and we walked for a little bit, a few minutes later we stopped walking. "You ready for faze 2 of our 'Day-te'?" I heard (Y/N) ask me. I smiled and nodded. I felt her walk behind me and take off the blind fold. 

We were in the RIOT! tour bus, and the entire bus was decorated. Lights, candles and dimmed lights was seen in the entire bus. "Oh wow, beautiful!" I told (Y/N) looking around and then back at her to find her already looking at me. "I agree, very very beautiful.." She said not taring her eyes away from me. "Cheesy fanfic much?" I joked, making her chuckle. "We're just gonna have dinner here.." (Y/N) said. I started to sit down at the table but she stopped me. "Not here..Up there.." She told me, making me look at her confused when she pointed upwards. She giggled and opened the roof window and rolled out a ladder. "After you.." She told me with a smile. I kissed her cheek and walked up the ladder excited. 

When I stuck my head out the window, I was met with beanbags and some jars with candles in them. I walked out of the way, so (Y/N) could come up the roof too. When she did I faced her, putting my hands around her neck as she put hers around my waist. "I'm guessing you like it?" (Y/N) asked looking me in the eyes. I smiled at her and nodded before putting my head on her chest, hugging her. "I'm sorry we don't have a better view than the venues parking lot but at least we have privacy." she told me. I looked up at her and smiled, putting my hands on each side of her face. "I honestly love it." I told her, relief noticeable in her eyes. I let go of her and walked towards the beanbags. (Y/N) sat down in one and I sat down in the same one, pressed against her cuddling. She grabbed a pizza box from next to her and we both grabbed a slice.

"Oh wow, what an amazing story haha." I told (Y/N) as we both laughed from what she just told me. When our laughter died down we looked into each others eyes and just stared at one another. "Let's get out of here.." (Y/N) said while standing up and holding her hand out for me to grab. "Where are we going?" I asked her grabbing her hand and standing up. She smiled at me and kissed me on my cheek. "You'll see."

"Are you sure we're aloud to come here? I mean; does anybody that works here know? Does anybody from management know we're here?" I asked (Y/N), while she was holding my hand and walking us to a closed looking building. "No,no and no.."(Y/N) said not even sounding a bit worried. "What is this place?" I asked her as we stopped infront of a big fence. She fuddled around with the big lock that was on it and managed to open it. She opened the fence and let me in first. "You're about to find out." She said smiling at me. She walked towards a big door and she stopped walking, looking around as if looking for something. "What is it? Is one of (Y/F/N)'s plans not gonna work?" I asked (Y/N) smirking. She looked at me and smirked back. "That's the thing Jauregui..I don't even plan anything I do.." She said while walking backwards opening, what seemed to look like, an electrical box. " But things I do.." She told me while turning up a switch. "Always succeed.." She finished. 

I looked ahead of me and saw the lights turn on and finally saw where we were; (Y/N) was taking me swimming. "But I didn't bring any swimming clothes.." I told (Y/N) while we walked to one of the pool chairs. "Neither did I.." (Y/N) said leaving me speechless."Come on it'll be fun." She told me while we stood by the edge of the pool.. "How did you know this place was here?" I asked her. She turned around and looked at me. "Strange thing right? Google, don't you think?" She asked, I gave her a little push to her shoulder. She laughed and pushed me back, I pushed her again but harder. She smirked and before I could do anything she picked me up and jumped us both into the pool. 

We're off to an interesting night..

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