Chapter 17

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Bea was on her way to her dressing room when I pulled her inside the bathroom."Wow, (Y/N/N) are you okay?" Bea asked me concerned. "Nope, I'm not okay. I kissed Lauren, Lauren and I kissed and-and-and I felt butterflies and I'm now for sure 100 % in love with her, as if I wasn't already before. And I don't know what to do Bea!" I whisper yelled panicking and pacing around in the small bathroom of the venue. "Wait wow what.. You and Lauren kissed? How? When? " Bea asked me. "Half an hour ago, but got interrupted by Rebecca cause she needed me for outfit fitting. My bandmates and Lauren's bandmates and Natalie were planning on locking Lauren and I in the tour bus to force us on a date. But Lauren and I overheard their plan and decide to act like we didn't know what was going on and fake liking each other to teach them a lesson, but after that kiss I wasn't faking.."I explained.

"What's so bad about that (Y/N/N)?" Bea asked me calmly. "Everything! What if she doesn't like me?" I asked, horrified at only even the thought of it. "But what if she does? You never know till you find out right?" Bea told me, while I was trying to process everything. Bea waited for me to say something back but after a few seconds of silence, she decided to leave me alone to think about what we just talked about. She opened the bathroom door and shut it right after, walking away towards her dressing room.

After a few minutes I left the bathroom as well. Still deep in thought, I made my way towards the Fifth Harmony tour bus.


The girls and I were in the back lounge of our tour bus. They had been asking me questions about my 'date' with (Y/N) about half an hour ago. What they don't know is that (Y/N) and I kissed. Yeah.. (Y/N) and I kissed. Wow. I'm still in shock. But I gotta say: What a kiss. It was so lovely and so is she. And even though the date was supposed to be fake, I still enjoyed it. (Y/N) is just so amazing and she really listens.

I was brought out of my thoughts and the girls all went quiet when there was a knock on the door. After all of us said "come in" in harmony, the door opened revealing (Y/N) who wore a cute little frown on her face. I smiled at her but she still kept the frown on her face. "How can we help you (Y/N)?" Camila asked smirking at me then looking at the girls and back to (Y/N). "Can I uhm.. talk to Lauren please?" (Y/N) asked looking at the girls then at me. I smiled at her and nodded. I turned to the girls and gave them a look which they luckily understood. They left while winking at me and making kissy faces. I glared at them as they left and shut the door behind them.

When it was just (Y/N) and I, I tapped the spot next to me on the couch but she kindly declined making me frown. "What's wrong (Y/N)?" I asked her concerned. She opened her mouth but when she met my eyes she stopped and shut her mouth. "Nothing.." She said after. "Then why are you here? I mean, you're always welcome but you don't really seem like you were here to watch a movie with me. " I said chuckling a bit. She kept a serious face which made me turn serious right away. "Is this about earlier?" I asked her carefully. She met my gaze and slowly nodded. I looked down, already being afraid she regretted it. "I just wanted to make sure I didn't do anything you didn't want to you know.." She said carefully. I looked at her and smiled. "There is nothing you did that I wouldn't have wanted. " I told her. She looked at me with wide eyes, knowing what I was referring to: The kiss. "Well I'm happy to hear that. I mean, I would never like want to pressure you or whatever you know.." She said looking down, scratching the back of her head nervously. I giggled and smiled at her as she looked at me. " I know.." I told her as she smiled back and let out a deep breath. Silence fell between the two of us as she sat down next to me. We both looked at the door when we heard the girls' whispers behind it. "What are they saying? Why is it quiet in there? OMG are they kissing?!" We heard them whisper yell. We looked at one another and chuckled.

"So, about earlier.. You sure I didn't overstep any boundaries?" (Y/N) asked me carefully. I looked at her and blushed. Thinking back about the kiss we had shared while being this close to her wasn't helping me keep my cool. "Uhm.. No it's fine. I liked it and I like you." I said without thinking. I shut my eyes hoping she didn't hear what I said, I didn't want to make it awkward. " You what?" She asked me confused. At this point I knew she had heard me and I knew I had nothing to lose.. (Except an amazing girl that I could've been friends with.)

I opened my eyes and turned to her. "I liked it, the kiss. Cause it was with you." I said nervously. I studied her face as I said those words. I held my breath as she kept staring at me without a word.

See? I knew she didn't like me back!

I stood up and walked towards the door and opened it. The girls still there trying to get a glimpse of our conversation. Right when I was about to ask them to get out of my way I heard (Y/N) call my name and pull me by my arm. I turned around and our lips smashed together. It took me a few seconds to realise that (Y/N) was in fact kissing me. I put my hands on her hips as she put hers on both sides of my face, cherishing my cheeks with her thumbs. I heard the girls whistle and shout stuff but I didn't care. The girl that I had been crushing on was now kissing me for the second time, and this time it was real.

After a bit we both pulled away, catching our breaths. Not letting go of one another, we placed each others foreheads against each other and gazed into one anothers eyes. "I liked it too, I loved it. And I like you too." (Y/N) said giving the beautiful smile that always gave me butterflies. I smiled back at her and kissed her cheek. We parted and turned our attention towards the girls, to see 4/5 out of RIOT! and 4/5 of Fifth Harmony and Natalie and Bea standing there watching us and clapping. A few 'finally!'s were heard making (Y/N) and I smile at one another. "You guys are weird." (Y/N) said putting her arm around my waist making the rest of us laugh. "And another thing you guys are is terrible way too loud match makers.." I said making (Y/N) and I agree. RIOT! and Fifth Harmony and Natalie looked at us weirdly. "They heard you guys talking.. Or should I say screaming a plan to make them date." Bea explained, I guess (Y/N) told her. "Wait you guys knew?" Camila asked us as we nodded. "Then why did you still act like you didn't?" Dave asked us. "1. To teach you guys a lesson. 3. I didn't mind spending time with (Y/N). 3. Free food duh!" I said making everyone laugh. " Same." (Y/N) said.

"Well there goes the plan guys.." Natalie said. "Wow hey, although we knew the plan.. Look at us guys." (Y/N) said gesturing towards her hand around my waist. "It worked didn't it?" She finished making the losers in front of us smile big. "So the plan didn't succeed.. But it still worked? That's so weird." Normani said. "Who cares?! THE S.S.(Y/L/S/N) IS SAILING!!" Dinah shouted throwing her fist up in the air. They all screamed loudly like they just won an important football game and high-fived one another.

"So.. what now?" Jenna asked when everyone was a bit more quiet again. "Now.. We're going to go on stage and give the crowd what they came for! An amazing show! Debby and the guys just finished so Natalie you're up first. Bea you have to go to hair and make up and RIOT! has to go change outfits. Fifth Harmony can stay in their bus till the stage manager calls them. Let's go everybody! " (Y/N) said from beside me. We all said a couple excited 'yeah's and Bea and Natalie walked out of the bus with 4/5 of RIOT! following them. My bandmates all went to their bunks to relax before the show.

(Y/N) stayed behind as we turned our attention to one another. "I have to go.." she said. I smiled at her and grabbed her hand. "Don't worry, the performance will be over before you know it. But enjoy it." I said playing with her fingers a bit. "Yeah.. But uhm.. now that I know that you like me too. I would like to ask you out on a date. An official date, not a pretend one." She told me nervously. I giggled and looked her in the eyes. "I'd love that." I told her. She smiled back at me letting out a shaky breath she was holding in. "Good. So uhm.. bye." she told me. "Bye (Y/N).." I told her. She smiled at me and kissed my nose before letting my hand go and walked out of the tourbus.

When the door shut I fangirled and did a little weird dance and had to hold myself back from screaming out of excitement. I walked to my bunk with the biggest smile on my face. I laid down in my bunk and stared at the ceiling thinking of (Y/N). She actually likes me back.

I'm going on a date with (Y/F/N).

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