Chapter 1 🌑

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"She said No!?!? To you!?!? Does she not know who you are! You are-"
"Nathanial Harrington I am aware of who I am"
I sit with Lord Kingsley, Jonathan I call him as we are friends.
"She was speaking with my wife there is no way she did not speak of you? You know my wife and I think highly of you and your family. After all you have been through with your father's passing."
Jonathan looks at me with an all too familiar look. His forehead wrinkling as he frowns. He's older than me by a lot, I'm close to him though because he used to be an old friend of my fathers. He is 42, while I'm 24, still we get along well. Could be because he never truly grew up, my father and him knew how to have a good time when the time was right.
"John don't look at me like that. It's been a year and a half and I can't stand to see that look anymore. I much rather talk about my rejection than that, please."
He quickly changes his expression like he didn't realize he was doing it.
"Well that rejection I would say doesn't count, she must have not known who you were."
"Of course she didn't. She had walked in only moments before I asked her to dance, and by the way everyone looked in her direction it was clear she had just arrived."
"Are you so full of yourself you think a girl could never reject you-"
I hear a laugh coming from behind me. It's sweet and soothing, but the comment that came with it was unnecessary. John turns around and gets up to pull a chair out for his wife, Melody. He still treats her like he did when they first met. He was a little poorer than her father would allow her to marry so he worked hard to earn her hand, he now treats her like a prize. Even after being married for as long as they have been.
"Of course it's not that Mel-"
"Yes it is!" John says taking his seat back after settling his wife in.
"He is a handsome fellow and any girl would be lucky to have him!"
"Take it down a bit John you don't wanna wake the whole street dear."
"Have you called a ride home Melody?"
"I have dear, they are waiting outside why not go ahead that way."
"Of course!"
He stands back up and makes his way out the room toward were the ball was being held. He stumbles a little but not bad enough to where I feel the need to escort him out of the room.
"The guest have left. All that remains are the servants and cooks."
"This was a lovely ball Melody. Thank you for inviting us all, my mother was sad she couldn't attend."
"No worries. I will most likely end up having tea with her tomorrow and catching up on how she is doing. Speaking of, how are you doing?"
I've been asked this too many times to count, and yet I still don't know how to answer. Except I do know how.
"I'm doing just fine. Though being called Lord Harrington is something I'm still getting acquainted to. Even after all this time."
"Have you been taking care of... the issue?"
"Yes I have."
I stare at her. I try to hide that I am ashamed that she even has to ask that question. I am ashamed that she had to find out through the gossip as well and not from me.
"Good. You are the head of your family until you marry. Meaning you are responsible for you mother and siblings, but remember we are always here to help."
"Thank you Melody, John and your support has been very helpful."
"Don't worry about it dear-"
She gets up and heads towards the door out of the room, but pauses when she reaches the door.
"And about the girl. Leave the poor thing be, she has just arrived from some ways away and I don't need you bothering her. Your mind right now I know is not set on marriage, so bothering her should be the least of your concerns."
"Of course Melody. I have already forgot about her."

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