Chapter 2 🌑

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I walk down stairs and am met by my mother, sister, and two younger brothers sitting in the living room.
"Good morning mother."
"Good morning! How did you sleep sweety?"
I yawn and sit next to my eldest brother.
"Ok. I'm a little stressed about business stuff, but I'm sure it will fix itself soon."
My mother smiles.
"I know it will honey. Remember if you need any help I'm always here!"
"I will. John has offered to attend some business meetings with later today, so I'll be taking care of the issues soon I hope."
My brother chimes in.
"Would you maybe hangout before your meetings?"
"What did you have in mind?"
"Well I was reading the paper and saw an Art show was being shown at the park?"
Ah I see. There's a girl.
"I think I can work it in my schedule Joel."
He rolls is eyes at that comment. How ever my littlest brother beats him to the joke.
"Oh yes your majesty! Please, make sure you busy schedule can fit him in!"
My sister adds putting in a fake "grown up" accent and begins to speak.
"Oh no no sir Joel. Please contact me before speaking to sir Nathan! I'm his secretary and will check his schedule. I believe he is open next Wednesday? Does that work for you?"
"Oh it does indeed Mrs. Anna. Thank you!"
I stand up and walk out as the cackle at their own terrible jokes. My mother walks out after me.
"Nathan. I have a question for you?"
"Yes mother."
"Did you speak with Melody at the ball last night?" She ask nervously.
"I did."
She looks up at me and I know what she's about to ask, so I answer before she speaks.
"I'm so sorry I've put you in this position. However you should now melody is your friend. She has and will never speak bad on our family as long as she lives. I'm sure she would love to hear from you and have a cup of tea soon."
Her eyes soften and her nervousness melts away. She grabs my hands in hers and squeezes them.
"I love you dear."
I smile at her as she walks back into the room. I walk back up the stairs to get ready for the day. I've put my mother in a terrible spot. Our family is high society, and yet she feels now as if she is lower class to all the gossip and whispers around town. All due to one drunken mistakes. One serious drunken mistake.

"So who's the lucky lady?" I say teasing my brother. Where in the back of our carriage headed to the park where the art show is being held.
"There is no lady. I just wanted something to do." He isn't making eye contact with me when he makes his statement. I live by brother but in his 17 years of life he's had his heart broken too many times to count. The only way to describe it is he loves them from a distance, falling for the idea of them, when in reality they are all the same. A gossiping, teasing, and self centered girl.
"Of course." Look out the window at the passing houses and stores, I won't push him to tell me. We sit in silence for some time, each of us watching out the windows at the passing land. However it is soon broken by a question.
"So a girl rejected you?"
I don't have to look at him to know he's smirking.
"Of course you ask about that."
"I've just never seen sir Nathan be rejected unless it was a mother of his supposed "love interest"."
"I was too hasty that was all."
"No. No. She just didn't like you!"
"Do you make it appoint to watch me every-time we go to a gathering?" I look in his direction.
"No, but when I see you approaching a girl out of your league I just can't help but watch."
"Out of my league?" I raise my eyebrow in his direction? "Are you serious."
"I am. Can't be the only one who thought it." He smirks. I can tell he's trying to get under my skin, it's just brotherly teasing, so I snap back.
"What number girl is this for you? 8? If she learns of that will she even feel special?" His face floods with read color. He goes to open his mouth but nothing comes out.
"What? Can dish it out but can't take it?" I make a confused face in his direction as lifts his hand to hit me.
"WE'ER HERE!" The driver calls out from the front of the carriage.
"We're here!" I smiling opening the door and hopping out before he can land a punch. I look up at the crowd in the park. I catch a glimpse of a familiar girl from last night, one my brother was in a group talking with. Oh how I would love to embarrass him. I look back. But I need to be a good brother.
"Come on Joel pick it up." When I say his name I see the girls head whip around in my direction. We make eye contact and she looks away. Please don't break his heart. I can't take another pity party. My brother steps out of the carriage and we walk towards the works of art. The first we view is abstract, its hidden meaning I'm unaware of. They are my favorite, only the artist knows the true meaning. However, anyone can see anything depending on how they feel when they view it. I look at my brother who looks confused.
"Want to impress that girl?"
He looks up and meaning I know the answer.
"The painting she's looking at. Go to her and tell her the meaning is amazing and deep. When she ask what you mean state, "you may see a beautiful beach, but other could see a lonely paradise." If she is an art person she will understand."
"And if she's not?"
"Then she will be even more impressed." I look down at him and wink. He walks of most likely repeating the words in his head.
"How did you know something like that?"
A voice from behind me asks. It's soft, quiet, but some how full of curiosity. I look to see who posses it. Her. Melody is with her.
"Oh Nathan here has always been into art." Melody says with a smile.
"Hello Lady Kingsley. It's a fine day isn't it." She comes up and stand next to me.
"It is." I look in the girls direction.
"I never caught your name?"
"Layla. Layla Caldwell." She smiles at me. It's annoying.
Out of my league. How ridiculous.

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