Chapter 2 🌕

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"Layla. Layla Caldwell." I smile with a smile I know will annoy him. I walked up to him only moment ago followed by Lady Kingsley. I over heard something he said to his brother about a piece of art a girl was looking at. What he said was to impress her, advice for his brother, though I don't believe he should be giving out any advice. However, even if his advice is terrible, what he said was correct. It interested me, I was curious to how he knew such things. Apparently he's into art in some way.
"So you're interested in art Sir Harrington?"
"Please call me Nathanial and to answer your question, I was interested in art. However, that has come to an end."
That's odd. Earlier I head Lady Kingsley refer to him as Nathan? Probably a nickname for close friends.
"What a shame. But my first question still stands. How did you know something like that?"
It's an easy insight he made but if he knew that he had to have done more than dabble in art.
"I just made and assumption. All artist seem to have a more sad reasoning behind their art."
He looks at me, his piercing green eyes still showing annoyance. Is he still upset about the rejection? I just want to tell him to get over himself.
"Well. Would you care to join us as we walk around Nathanial? It would be nice to catch up."
Though she asked a question Lady Kingsley is already walking towards the next piece of work, Nathanial following. I follow behind the two studying each piece as they walk. It's such a peaceful place to have an art show. The birds are singing their song, the wind is blowing but not hard. I can hear peoples whispers all around, who knows what their conversation are full of. I hear Lady Kingsley and Nathanial talking but I don't listen, what ever it is I have no interest in. However soon I do get tired of the art work and just admire my surroundings and the people, and that includes Nathanial. I watch him as we walk, his posture is tall, he is tall. He has to be quite a few inch's taller than me maybe 4 or 5, could be one more. His hair is a dirty blond color that falls at medium length, it's straight but styled in a way that doesn't cover his green eyes. He may annoy me with his cocky attitude and the way he walks like he's above all that stand around him, but I can still admit he's a good looking man. He is for sure handsome. The way his eyes shine in the sunlight but yet seem to have no emotion behind them at all intrigues me, and it is somehow. hot. He doesn't notice me looking, or maybe he does and his ego is shooting through the roof. The thought of that makes me look away. If last night tells me anything I don't need to give this man anymore of an ego boost.
"Layla." Lady Kingsley says.
"How did you feel about your dress being mentioned in the Price Paper this morning?" From what I gather the Price Paper is no ordinary paper. It's full of news for ,and of the people, in this town. It's separate from the news of the world. However, to be mentioned is an honor for most.
"I didn't read it myself, however from what I heard it was all good I presume?"
"Indeed! They spoke of the unusual but mesmerizing design!"
My heart fills with joy but I don't dare show it. Unusual! Mesmerizing! That's amazing! My face feels hot with excitement!
"Many people are asking where you purchased such a dress? Many mothers what to know for there daughters?"
"From a shop that's actually opening up here soon! They make pre-made dresses that are one of a kind. None are exactly the same! It's called Crystal Room!"
"What an interesting name." She says.
"It's inspired by the beautiful chandeliers that are  often hanging in the ball rooms!" My excitement is building, I feel like I'm going to explode.
"You know a lot about this shop for being someone who just bought a dress from there?" Nathanial looks at me. I feel like he's reading me like a book, my excitement, my joy.
"Oh no I didn't purchase that dress."
Lady Kingsley looks in my direction.
"You made it?" Nathanial says.
It isn't a crime but if you have any social since you would know that a "working women" isn't the ideal in high society. They are seen as lower class no matter how much money you make, or social status you held before. So for me to be making a dress for a shop, it would be madness.
"No. No. Of course not! I'm walking advertisement if you will. I wear the dress, advertising it to any ball I go too! That is how I "pay" for the dress."
He scoffs.
"Walking advertisement. No one will want to by a dress after a girl so-"
"Nathanial!" Lady Kingsley shoves him in his arm.
"Do not speak about a lady like that. Especially not around me." She says it hushed but her tone is serious, unwavering. She can't be heard correcting a man but she won't hesitate to do so if it is her husband, and now I know Nathanial is also one of those men. I take admiration in the respect he holds for her, it can only make me think of the respect he holds for his mother. Poor women. I think back to what Lady Kingsley told me about Lady Harrington and her husband passing, she didn't tell me to gossip but to warn me of it. My heart breaks for her, she only spoke quickly about their love but from what I was told it seemed strong, delicate, and most importantly. Real. I look up at Nathanial. How can love so pure, make a man so unpure. I can't fathom it. I was told of his one night stands, his lustfulness but it just doesn't match with his fathers. I look over towards his brother who is speaking to a young lady, red as can be. Or his brother for that matter. I giggle as his brother drops a drink he must have been holding for the girl. Nathanial was still being lectured by Lady Kingsley when it happened, but he looked over quickly to see what I was laughing at. He looks at his brother than at me.
"Don't laugh. He's trying his best." He looks away.
"He's always been a love sick kind of guy, got it from our father."
"Well at least one of you got it. So theirs hope a future generation will come." His body tenses at my comment. I've struck a nerve. And I love it.
"Sorry to disappoint Lady Kingsley. However I must be off. Your husband is meeting me later for a business affair and I can't be late. I hope you have a wonderful day. And please stop by and see my mother when you have the chance. She misses having company."
"I certainly will."
Nathanial looks at me and rolls his eyes before speaking.
"It was an honer speaking with you. I hope to speak again soon." His eyes and body language say a completely different story however. Probably along the lines of  I hope you fall of the face of the earth. However I still offer a nod. He walks off snapping at his brother to follow. What a prick. I turn back to Lady Kingsley.
"Would you like to meet Lady Harrington? I'm sure she would love your company." She smiles at me warmly.

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