Forward (NE & PN)

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(consider this an example of what i can do nowadays; you can also look up the latest stuff of volume 1 if you want more)

*Something* was up with the Team8s. Needle could feel it.

When Saw got the boot a while back, even she could admit that that *was* a bummer; any lens you use to look at it, being down a set of hands isn't good. Though she wasn't considered as integral to the team as some of the others, from what she's seen her do, what she's learned about her, she could recognize that they lost a great asset to the team that day. And yet the mourning and grieving that followed from that fateful day was short-lived; when they all said their brief eulogies, they moved on to the next contest. By the following morning, it was as if Saw had never been there at all.

Coiny, on the other hand... Things were *definitely* different.

Needle would be lying if she said that there wasn't a connection between her and the coin creature; doubly so if she claimed it wasn't anything profound. There *was* a time where the two could be considered inseparably linked, closer to each other than even he and Pin would end up being later on. But all of that was clearly in the past; though they remained on the same teams, and he still claimed she was part of the 'bunch', she could see the proverbial writing on the wall. It was always Coiny and Pin. Needle was just the afterthought.

But though the stone that was thrown had long disappeared beneath the waters and vanished from memory, the ripples it caused persisted. Taunting. Teasing. Despite the hectic confusion that came about following it, Needle's sharpened senses could still sense the subtle changing of the winds the moment that algebralian announced Coiny was well and truly gone, the light breeze on the mountaintop that finally sent the boulder rolling down.

And it infuriated her.

She confronted Pin about it before anyone else could, both during the challenge and after (after she got recovered, anyway). The pushpin was quick to brush off any complaint or concern she had about her wellbeing, just as she'd always done; it was just her nerves acting up, her stress out of control due to what had unfolded, she'd insist. There was nothing to worry about, and she was going to be the same stern leader she always set out to be the next day. Needle could've easily broke down that facade right then and there, but the rest of the Team8s came pouring in with their own stories, wanting to discuss their woes with *somebody*, and she could clearly see that she wasn't all too welcome. That conversation was over, full stop.

But she knew more than anyone that just looking away wouldn't actually make it *go* away.


Needle just *couldn't* wait to get her cool-down stretches over with.

The details of the challenge are irrelevant; she was able to make quick work of the task at hand without breaking a sweat, and all that mattered is that all five of them would live to see another day. But though she tried to keep her full attention on the situation, something just kept bothering, gnawing at her from the back of her head. Every now and then she'd catch glimpses of Pin with the others, doing whatever she can to help the team; it sure *looked* like she was assisting the others, doing everything as a leader should...

But that's just the thing.

Pin was constantly second-guessing, doubting, rethinking her actions, her strategies, her purpose. She could try to hide it all she wanted; she could whip up an inspirational speech, she could help her teammates with anything they might struggle with, and she could keep on nodding, insisting that all was well. But Needle can sense more body language than just when someone is preparing to call her *that* nickname. The pushpin kept her distance. Preferred to be by herself. Looked down on the ground and up at the sky more than looking ahead. Her head just wasn't in the game; it was always up in the clouds. Wandering. Looking. Searching.

She thought about immediately stopping whatever she was doing back then to quickly go and help her out. *Surely* she could do that, right? She could easily get back to it and have every catch up with no problem whatsoever. But no. Gawking over Loser one too many times had taught her a lesson; she'd gotten complacent, dependent, reliant. To drop and stop now would be to go back on everything she'd done, to fall victim yet again to the pitfall, the rut that had claimed plenty. Caring for your fellow teammate was perfectly normal, even natural, but there was such a thing as too much caring.

Right now, the only thing Needle should care about was making sure her body was up to code; if she just immediately stopped after such an intense workout, her body was surely going to pay the day after.


Needle really didn't like thinking about Pin's predicament.

On one hand, she felt like she was required, *obligated* to sit down and help her through the whole thing. She was a teammate, a fellow W.O.A.H. Buncher, a *friend*. That's what friends do, don't they? They help each other get past their darkest hours, and they face everything together, no matter what happens.

But on the other hand... Was she *even* her friend?

Was she ever thanked for all she did during all those challenges? Was she ever talked to outside of necessity during a challenge? Was she considered an actual person with thoughts and feelings, or just another pawn to move around the proverbial chessboard, easily sacrificed without much thought? She may think Pin's her friend, but was there *anything* that could say she felt the same way?

Seeing her talk with Gaty was the last straw. In hindsight, it really wasn't much of a big deal; if anyone was gonna be capable of helping her out, it was her. But at that moment, just like back then... It just did *something*.

She'd try her hardest to hide and would eavesdrop; it was the usual conversation, how much Pin missed Coiny, Gaty trying to comfort her, on and on it went in the same loop. Eventually the de facto therapist got up and went to do her own thing, and Needle decided that this was going to be it. She was going to finally address the elephant in the room here and there, and that would be that.

She took a deep breath and sat down next to Pin. "What's up?" The sewing needle curtly asked. "Oh, uh... nothing much." Pin nervously chuckled. "I was just thanking Gaty for how much of a good job she did during the challenge. She's really been pulling her weight despite having no arms." Needle nodded. "What'd she do?" "Well, she..." Pin trailed. "I mean, she did... You know. You saw, didn't you? You were out there doing stuff too, and..." Needle glared at her, raising an eyebrow. "Well, maybe you were focusing on your own thing; but trust me, she did plenty." Needle nodded again. "Tell me." "Er..." Pin scratched her head. "Well, I mean, I didn't get a good look myself, seeing as I was *also* doing my part, but she..." Needle grew impatient, frowning and tilting her head.

Finally Pin relented and sighed. "Alright, you got me." She'd concede. "I was talking to her about Coiny." "*Again*?" Needle wasn't all too impressed. "Hey, I've only talked to her about him *twice*." Pin clarified. "Besides, of course I'd want to talk about him; he was a good teammate, a great friend, and now he's gone! I didn't even get to say a proper goodbye, seeing as..." The pushpin would look down on the ground, frowning; she'd stay that way for a good portion of a minute before continuing. "I was just wondering if Two could maybe have him around, even for just a little bit. I mean, they did that for Clock, didn't they? Why not?" Needle could see Pin acting all distraught again and sighed. "It's okay, Pin." She'd try her best to sound genuine. "We're here." "Well, yeah." Pin nodded. "And, of course, I'm very thankful you guys are here with me to help me get through this. It's just..." She'd grumble. "Coiny meant a lot to me, you know? We were this dynamic duo that always took on the world together; we were side by side on W.O.A.H. Bunch, led the Losers past their relentless awe, and now we helped you guys along. You can't blame me for missing him, you know?"

Needle reluctantly nodded. "You'll see him again, though." She'd try to reassure her. "I suppose I will, but right now..." Pin frowned again. "I guess the silence is just too much for me to bear. He was always so helpful, a useful co-leader. I've gotten so used to him always being around, always providing his input on this and that, and now that I'm the only one left and he's... wherever..." The sewing needle could tell that the pushpin was just *barely* holding on, just on the brink of breaking down. Needle sighed. "You gotta move on." "I will, I will." Pin lied. "I just need a minute; I know I keep telling you guys that I'm this brave, heroic leader, but at the end of the day I'm still just one of you. I need time to rest, recuperate, recover..." She'd trail off, looking at Needle. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Needle simply blinked in response. "You gotta." She'd reiterate. "I heard." Pin replied. "I just said that I'd..."

She finally got the memo. "Needle, what's *with* you lately?" She'd take on a more aggressive tone. "First that incident after he got eliminated, now this. Why are you so upset with me about this?" Needle grew irritated. "I'm not upset." She'd clarify. "I-" "I know that you put more into this team than anyone, to the point that you're the most silent and distant out of all of us, but *surely* you'd at least know a thing or two about caring for your teammates, your friends? Right?" Pin went on in her tirade. "I know you didn't really care so much for Coiny; you two obviously weren't as close as we were, and you didn't have much to say or think about what happened. But I thought you'd at least have *some* idea on what it must be like for others." Needle didn't even know what to say to that; all she could do was give her an angry look. "I appreciate your work and effort as much as the rest of us, but being a leader isn't just about doing everything for your team." Pin continued. "It's about caring for them as well. Looking after them when they're down." She'd sigh. "Maybe you think that what you do makes up for it, but I can tell you right now that it doesn't."

Needle was absolutely flabbergasted; what Pin said pretty much said it all. She'd put one hand on her forehead, closing the other into a fist. She didn't even know where to begin regarding the whole thing. Perhaps it was best if she didn't start at all. She'd take a deep breath and sigh. "If Coiny were here right now..." She'd start, taking a moment to pause and reflect. "What would he say?" She'd then just get up and walk away; it wasn't like there was much use in her staying.

It was a slow walk at first, but she'd gradually go faster and faster, eventually breaking into a full-blown sprint; anything to further distance herself from that thumbtack, to further isolate herself from *everything*. Since when did feelings matter so much, exactly? Where was all of this outpouring when *she* had her own problems? Where was the pity when she caught on fire and swam through lava for the sake of her team? Where were the apologies for all the times they referred to her by the one name she *specifically* told them not to use? Where were they in all the times she felt empty and hollow inside, unable to do anything besides the necessary motions to remain in the game?

The Battle for Dream Island has already taken away so much from them. Now it's taking away *this* too?

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