Yap 🏹

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You loved Kate.

Oh you loved her so badly.

She was the best girlfriend to you and you had never felt so in love with anyone in your life.

She had all the love to give you and she was such a sweetie.

You loved how she had so many different hobbies and always wanted to get involved just to spend as much time with her as possible.

She once came back from fencing with a few friends and you thought she just looked so hot in that get up and that ponytail looked prettier than usual. So of course the following day you asked if you could go for fun.

Then actually learning techniques she taught you because you were such a good student. Of course with the right incentive (some fingering) but that's besides the point.

One thing Kate was though, was a yapper.

Once she started talking about something for more than two minutes it was game over. There was no chance of stopping hee and you'd have to listen to every little detail until she ran out of breath to speak.

But somehow she could yap for a while.

There have been a few times where you wanted to interrupt because you had to go but felt so bad interrupting her so you'd just leave late.

It was a bad habit after now showing to lectures late more often than usual.

And she's just had so much to yap about lately with Clint back in the city.

Right now she was yapping about her last mission with Clint on taking down new hydra people.

"So Clint told me to stay put and not follow, that if he needed backup he would just let me know through comms because I apparently 'can't follow directions' like can you believe he said that?" She rambled and you just shook your head in pretend disbelief while she just kept on going.

You only smiled and admired the way her eyes lit up and how she'd express her frustrations with her hands. You had completely zoned her words out and just focused on how pretty she looked.

Her hair was in a low ponytail again and it just always looked so good on her. Then you looked down to her pretty pink lips and all focus went to them. They were so plump and she could really be using them on more important things besides yapping.

Then without thinking about it twice, you lean in and smash your lips against hers. She somehow was still rambling as you were leaning because she was just so clueless and cute. You caught her off guard so she didn't react for a solid two seconds, just wide eyed through the kiss before she finally closed her eyes and kissed you right back.

You cupped her jaw with one hand and with the other left it on top of her thigh while you deepened the kiss. She moaned into your mouth and it only grew your hunger for her more. How could she be so perfect?

You then pulled away and started kissing down her throat then down to the crevice between her neck and chest. "Y-You could've just asked me nicely to shut up." She mumbled making you chuckle.

"Think this way was more effective, my love." You teased making her huff.

So perfect.

Kate Bishop ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now