chapter 23 warp-robot

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Steven tag had not ended well. Greg had stormed of into his van to who knows where and blue ran away to her special room to probably cry. Steven still stayed on the couch, waiting for his father to come back home and his mother to calm down. He couldn't sleep, he was filled with guilt, he blamed himself for all of this.

"My Steven? Why haven't you gone to bed yet? It's very late.", pearl said, checking to see if Steven was on the couch. He'd never stayed up this late before, it was a odd feeling. "I can't sleep I feel too bad, all of this was my fault", he confessed to pearl, she frowned at this, "my Steven, it was us who broke everything and cleaned it, you are just a child, please do not worry about us your must not risk your health.please sleep", pearl said, putting her hand through Steven's dark brown hair. "Fine", he sighed, "but I'll still sleep on this couch". pearl agreed as Steven would at least be sleeping.

Steven could not sleep at all, there was still no sign of his dad and it made him worry too much to relax. He tried, over and over again to close his eyes and sleep but just couldn't. During one of these tries, keeping his eyes as shut as possible, he heard footsteps, thinking it was his father or mother her opened his eyes and smiled, but what he saw was lapis lazuli walking past him.

"Lapis!?", he thought, shocked, he wondered if she mightve come down to see him, but she wasn't paying attention to him at all, she was going straight to the basement, where the warp was. Steven watched on, trying to keep looking asleep, he saw lapis look around and quickly use the warp, this shocked him, he immediately jumped off the couch and followed after her.

He warped to the galaxy warp, lapis was looking around and then going to the main warp, the one that lead to homeworld. "What are you doing!", Steven called out to lapis scaring her. "Steven! Its just.....I want to go home and this is My only way", she sighed, sounding defeated and sitting on the stairs to the warp as steven walked to her. "Mum said she'll take you home but you have to stay with us for the time being", Steven said, sitting next to her. "I know that..its just I'm looking at anyway I can fix this warp so we can all go home together" she said, gesturing to the smashed warp-pad behind her.

Steven stepped on the broken warp-pad, taking a closer look at all the cracks on it. "I promise, I will fix it for you when I can!", he said, giving lapis a funny smile that made her slightly laugh. "My mum has these healing powers and I wonder if she can heal cracks in warps and buildings and not just living things" he wondered, squatting down to look closely at the damage. "I don't think it can just be fixed with gem powers, the diamonds are powerful but I've never heard of them being able to do that", lapis replied, sounding defeated and miserable.

As they where speaking they heard a strange, machine like noise, lapis immediately became scared and wanted to fly away but Steven was interested in what it was and wanted to look around. "We need to get out of here! Especially before blue diamond finds out!", lapis panicked, Steven grabbed onto her hand so she didn't fly away, "I'll take the blame! And My mum wouldn't punish you!" Steven yelled at lapis, the strange robot sound quickly seemed to duplicate and surround them, then the source of the sound revealed itself. Strange green robot ball shaped creatures.

"What are those things", lapis said, as the robots all crawled around them, more and more appearing and all going to the homeworld warp with their small green legs."I don't know but they're interesting", Steven replied, completely transfixed on these little things. As more of these robots appeared, the warp to earth suddenly went off, Steven and lapis both looked back terrified and saw blue diamond walking to them.

"What are you two doing her-", blue was quickly stopped as she saw all the robots invading this place, she quickly turned some of the near by water into a hand and dragged them behind a pillar. "My diamond what are those things", lapis quietly asked blue, blue looked back at them worried, "they're called robonoids, usually used by high-tech era 2 gems sent by yellow diamond, they're quite a new invention, but the main question is why would they be here", blue replied, watching the green machines shoot some sort of blue and white liquid onto the homeworld warp.

As lapis, Steven and blue diamond watched, the earth warp went off again. "See! I knew I saw them things!", rose quartz said, pointing at the robots. The pearl blue had seen before and defeated was also there, she summoned her spear and stabbed one of the robots but rose told her to hide by the pillars and watch instead. Steven nearly loudly yelled as he noticed amethyst was there, she really was a crystal gem! and amethyst nearly did the same as she noticed them (the only crystal gem who did). Another gem was also with them, it was completely unrecognisable to anyone and very tall, it interested blue greatly.

As both the crystal gems and blue diamond, Steven and lapis watched on, the green robots revealed they where infact repairing the warp, both sides where completely in shock. "What!? Is this some plan by yellow diamond!? Is this because of me!?",Blue thought, trying to come up with any sort of explanation for what was happening.

The crystal gems where reacting the same. Steven was watching them carefully, hearing them quietly bickering among eachother. He was going to try and send his thoughts to amethyst when reading her mind so they could communicate without talking, he'd seen his mother do it a lot with his father and himself.

"What do the others think of this", he thought, amethyst could hear it, he could confirm this by seeing her slight reaction, "no one knows! And you can read minds! Why are you guys here I wanted to say hi but I think these guys won't like you", she thought back to steven, but all thoughts where interrupted was everyone's attention was brought to the homeworld warp suddenly activating, revealing a green gem standing there.

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