"My diamond, I'm very sorry but i have been trying to warn you about this greg for years", pearl said, attempting to comfort the hysterical blue diamond who was crying into a pillow while blasting lana del rey songs. Greg's lie didn't last long, blue finally developed common sense and realised he was not some sort of double agent, and was probably with rose right now.
"We are really sorry my diamond, maybe we can try and distract you from greg?", lapis suggested, blue didn't react, she just kept crying, her face buried into the pillow. Amethyst took a cookie cat out the fridge and gave it to blue, she took it and ate it, she was still crying but it calmed her down ever so slightly. "that's more like it!", Amethyst said, wiping away her own tears that had been triggered by blue's powers, everyone had been trying none stop for hours because of her powers.
"You're friends with Connie's parents, maybe I can call them", pearl suggested, taking blue's phone out of her jacket pocket while she was distracted eating the cookie cat. "Where did Steven go off with holly blue?", amethyst asked, "he could cheer her up, if only he was here", "I think they said they where going to korea", lapis replied, "I think blue said she left some stuff there for steven to check out".
Pearl turned crying breakfast friends on the TV to distract blue some more while she texted doug and priyanka, trying to explain that they where probably the only people who could cheer blue up right now. blue was obsessed with this show, even more than Steven was, they always took online quizes about what character they where and blue was very active in the ship wars on tumblr, even making her own Hamilton au based around her favourite ship and threatening to fight people (and nearly getting into actual fights) in defence of said ship.
Priyanka and doug came to the house quite quickly, they seemed to be quite confused to why pearl even called them. "Hey Blue!", doug said, trying to sound friendly "wanna go somewhere with us?", blue just gave him a thumbs up.
Blue got into their car and the three of them drove around beach city, "Can we go there", blue quietly said to doug, pointing to the nearby funland theme park, "Alright", priyanka huffed, she was the one driving the car, "but that place isn't safe at all" she said, having flashbacks from all the terrible themepark accidents she had heard of and seen "oh I don't wanna go there for the rides, I wanna eat the food there", blue replied, "and get toys, lots of toys".
Priyanka reluctantly drove them there and blue ran away from them as soon as they stepped in to go and look around. She first went to the arcade and spent all her money there playing the many addictive games, she had to beg and cry to doug for more money, which she then all spent trying to get cheap prizes, the prize she wanted most was this giant alien plushie. "Look at its eyes dr maheswaran! It's so beautiful so compassionate!", blue exclaimed, the plushie looked just like the alien heads on her shorts. doug and priyanka both looked at eachother, regretting ever babysitting this 12 foot tall insane blue woman-toddler.
It took what seemed like hours for blue to win the plushie, but when she did win it, she was ecstatic, she spent a long time just sitting with it on a nearby bench and hugging it. "You really love that little alien", doug joked, "it's my new son", blue replied, squeezing it, "well we have been here a long time, do you think it's best we go home now?", priyanka suggested, blue shook her head then stood up from the bench. She had noticed buck was here, he had survived their battle at empire city but now had his arm in a cast, she was enraged just by looking at him and wanted revenge. Blue walked up to some nearby seagulls and sqwarked at them, they understood her command and flew to buck, calling more seagulls to join then, soon there where about 100 chasing after buck and biting at him, they chased him out of funland while blue laughed hysterically and the maheswarans watched in horror.
"Did you just call on an army of birds?", doug asked, terrified, "Yes! I am the bird queen...SQWARK! SQWARK!", blue proclaimed, flapping her arms and making bad bird sounds while seaguls flew around her, "I could diagnose you with so many things right now", priyanka whispered, taking out her notepad containing all the odd things she saw in blue diamond. Blue walked around the rest of Funland, happy and confident, holding her plush and and being followed by her seagul army, doug and priyanka where both scared of blue but kept quiet, fearing she'd have another one of her meltdowns and cause more chaos like at the hospital.
Suddenly, blue stopped, her eyes went wide and she just stared, she saw Greg and rose for a second, greg seemed to be chasing after rose, they where quite far from where she was but she could easily catch up to them, blue dropped her plushie and fell to the ground, shaking uncontrollably. Doug started to freak out but Dr maheswaran was calm, she knew how to handle this stuff, well she thought she was handling something she'd seen many times but what was actually happening was that blue's mind had filled with so many scenarios about rose she left the outside world and just went in her head to see those thoughts, losing controll of her body on the outside because of this.
Priyanka laid blue on her side and she returned to her normal thoughts not long after and jumped up acting like nothing was happening. Priyanka tried to ask her questions but she didn't listen. "Doug, please take care of my son", blue said, handing him the plushie, "I gotta go", before they could say anything blue was gone, she had ran off. "What Is wrong with that woman!?" Doug complained, "I can't believe I thought she was hot once".
Steven BLUE-niverse (Season 1)
Fanfictionsteven universe is the son of famous rock star Greg universe and the alien space empress blue diamond, one of the leaders of the gem race. Steven has inherited many powers from his mother and must learn how to use them. (Season 1)