chapter 58 the story of the cluster

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"And who's that one?", Steven asked, pointing to the biggest of the diamond murals, "that Is white diamond, I don't know much about her, I've heard she's very different from the other diamonds", lapis replied, White diamond's mural had the most planets as colonies surrounding her and in the middle she held a planet unlike the others, homeworld. "I do remember hearing blue diamond is scared of her pearl", lapis joked, Steven shook his head, "no way! My mum is literally a diamond! White's pearl can't scare her!", "it did! I saw blue faint and have to be carried away by yellow because the pearl appeared behind her and freaked her out so much!", Steven refused to believe this and kept shaking his head and covering his ears, "i have heard her pearl Is very different than other ones, I only saw her once and she didn't look, alive, she was frozen in one pose and completely colourless".

"My steven! There you are!", pearl called from the stairs, "blue diamond is waiting for you two! Come quickly!", lapis lightly bowed and ran up the stairs, Steven followed up, looking around at the murals again, especially his mother's and pink's, he felt something when he was around the murals, it was like he belonged here, surrounded by the diamonds.

"I got the files on the cluster finally, sorry for the wait", blue apologised to everyone, looking Through the many files on the old screen. Steven got up and sat on blue's lap to look at the many old files, "I feel like a proper diamond here!", he told his mother, who smiled back at him, "that's because you are, grand clarity!", holly blue called to him, lapis cringed and tried to distract herself by looking out at the stars.

"Because of the terrible war that happened on earth, there where many gems who where shattered, their shards laying across the earth", blue began, looking through the files as Steven listened in close, "yellow diamond was always interested in gem shards, she is able to resurrect gems from shattering by putting all their shards back together and can alter the physical form of any gem, with all these remains of fallen gems left laying around, yellow had an idea", blue scrolled up, revealing images of "test clusters", they where different types of shards mixed together to make some sort of fusion.

"About 5000ish years ago I witnessed a Ruby and sapphire accidentally fuse, it was the first time two gems of  different types who where not diamonds fused", holly blue agate rolled her eyes at this and attempted small talk with lapis about how disgusting such fusions where but lapis didnt reply or listen, she acted like holly didnt exist. "usually gems of the same type fused but nothing like this was seen before, after the incident I immediately told yellow diamond of what I saw and she became obsessed with this idea, she started attempting to fuse different shards of all sorts of gem types together, never making any real conscious being, just disgusting, mutant monsters".

Images of these forced fusions appeared on the screen, Steven covered his mouth in horror and blue looked away, knowing that she was responsible as she gave yellow the idea, the mutant fusions barely had bodies, some (made out of less amounts of shards) where just limbs stuck to eachother, and some where odd mixtures of hands and legs that formed into something that only slightly resembled any sort of living being. "Yellow, unlike me, wanted all of the earth destroyed, I always wanted to keep it here for the memories of pink, to yellow she only saw pain when looking at the earth, so she decided she must destroy it, by making the ultimate geo weapon, the cluster, thousands of gem shards fused into one being so big its emergence would rip earth apart".

"I understand why yellow would feel that way", Steven quietly said, interrupting blue and shocking her, "she must miss pink so much but only want to move on and not think about it at all, so she went to extremes like this", "exactly, she refused to believe she has any emotions so does ridiculous over the top things like this to try and get rid of those emotions, I wonder how she'll feel knowing that I stopped the cluster", blue looked through the files, they detailed so many years of hard work, she knew yellow would be enraged if she found out blue was planning to dismantle the entire cluster.

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