004. Connected

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    CINDY WISHED FOR ANYTHING FOR THIS TO END BUT IT ONLY KEPT GOING. The sound of the shadow whooshing around her was all she could hear, she wanted to cry, but she was no longer in control of that.

She gasped when she felt the feeling and pain immediately stop and she awoke, tripping over and falling straight into Dustin's arms. She immediately broke out in sobs, as he held her tightly.

He knelt down on the ground slowly, allowing her to break down in his lap. She looked around at her surroundings, now realising she was in Dustin's lap. "It's okay, it's okay. You're okay now," he whispered gently.

She looked over at Will, who was being held by his mother. He looked both lost and terrified. She turned away, wrapping her arms around Dustin and letting more tears roll down her face.

Joyce knelt down beside Cindy, "sweetie, are you okay?" She asked.

Cindy shook her head slowly. For the first time in a long time, she finally admitted the truth about how she was feeling. "I'm so scared," she choked out. That just made Dustin's hold on her tighten and he never wanted to let go.

• • •

Eventually, Cindy calmed down enough to get up. Dustin still held her close, his arm around her waist and hers around his shoulder.

He helped her out of the front doors, as they watched Will leave with Joyce. Her heart ached for the poor boy, he did not deserve any of this. She wished he would've just taken her and left Will alone.

Joyce wanted to take Cindy back to her house to make sure she's okay but she declined, truthfully, she couldn't bare to see Will go through all of it, it would tear her heart in two.

As Joyce's car left the front of the school, they turned to Cindy, concerned. "What happened?" Max asked, she looked up at the redhead.

"I need to get home," she muttered, slinking out of Dustin's hold and attempting to walk down the steps, but was taken over by a throbbing headache. She stumbled and grabbed onto the railing beside her so she wouldn't fall down the steps.

"Cindy!" Dustin exclaimed, wrapping his arm around her again. "Let me help you," he insisted.

She nodded weakly, "have you seen Steve?"

"No, we'll find him." He smiled reassuringly. He turns to the others, his tone switching. "Guys, can you please go find Steve," he demanded.

They nodded and ran down the steps and over to the Hawkins High parking lot. They weren't sure Steve would still be there waiting for her, but they hoped so.

Mike smiled relieved when he saw Steve leant up against his car, looking around in search for his sister, "Steve!" He yelled.

Steve looked over to the younger wheeler, furrowing his eyebrows, "Wheeler?"

"You need to come with us, quick. No time to explain." Mike said quickly. Steve dropped his arms and felt a sense of distress as he saw the look on the three kids' faces.

He followed them as they sprinted to the middle school.

• • •

Dustin sat Cindy down on the bottom step, holding her. "How are you doing?" He questioned.

"I... I feel a tiny bit better than before," she smiled reassuringly.

He sighed, wrapping his other arm around her, holding her close. "I was so scared,"

"I know... I'm sorry," she whispered.

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑶𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑹 𝑺𝑷𝒀 - Dustin HendersonWhere stories live. Discover now