006. The Spies

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    IT FELT LIKE THE PAIN WAS GOING ON FOR ETERNITY, BUT THEY ALL EVENTUALLY ARRIVED AT THE LAB. The doctors dragged Cindy and Will out onto stretchers. They wheeled them down a hallway as the kids' screams only got louder and their pain remained excruciatingly difficult to handle.

Cindy held onto the railing on her stretcher, curling up into herself. Digging her fingers into her skull once again, wincing at how harsh she jabbed her head. She wouldn't be surprised if there was blood trickling down her hair.

The doctors made a stop in a room and set the beds beside each other.

Will seemed to be in more pain than Cindy. She didn't even know her powers had a defence mechanism set up any time someone tampered with her mind and that was currently in works. It wasn't super strong, because she was only young and can't handle too much power.

Because of that strong amount of power in effect, she had passed out. The doctors were quite shocked to say the least. Will was still squirming and screaming in the bed, so they put wires on his chest and gave him anaesthesia and he soon passed out into a calm sleep.

The doctors put some wires on Cindy's chest as she was sleeping.

• • •

Cindy woke up some time later, rubbing her head. She stared up at the blaring white light, she squinted and turned to look over at a now awake Will with Joyce and Mike by his side.

"Cindy?" Joyce asked, Cindy looked at her weakly, "how are you doing?"

"I'm, uh... I'm okay, for now." She answered, the pain from before still haunting her.

Bob rushes back in after shouting for a doctor and stands back by Joyce's side, but Will looks at him sceptically. "Who... Is that?"

"It's me, big guy. It's Bob." He chuckled, reaching out for his hand, only for Will to retract it away.

"Are you a... Doctor?"

"No. No, it's just me. Just... just Bob." He replied, but Will didn't seem convinced.

Cindy laid back, running her hand down her face. It's started, the shadow monsters beginning to take over his mind fully.

• • •

Doctors now surrounded Will and Cindy, she got a little intimidated. Doctor Owens shined a light in Will's eyes, checking his pupils. "Do you know your name?" He asked, turning the light off.


"Your full name?"

"William Byers."

"Do you know... Do you know who I am?" Owens questioned.

"A doctor," Will answered, after thinking for a moment.

"Have we met before?"

"I don't remember," the boy responded quietly.

"Hmm," he then turned to Cindy. "How about you, do you know your full name?"

"I'm fine. I know who you all are."

"Just answer the question," he told her.

She sighed, "my name's Cindy Harrington. You're Doctor Owen's." She answered without hesitation.

"Alright," he pushed his chair back to be able to look between the two. "How about, uh... How about this guy here? Know who that is?" Pointing to Mike, who awkwardly waved. Cindy knew who that was, but she looked over at Will who was thinking long and hard about it. "It's all right. Take your time."

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑶𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑹 𝑺𝑷𝒀 - Dustin HendersonWhere stories live. Discover now