007. The Mind Flayer

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    CINDY HAD SLEPT FOR AN EXCESSIVE AMOUNT OF TIME, BUT THAT WAS DUE TO THE SHADOW MONSTER MAKING SURE SHE STAYED SLEEPING. He set up a plan for Will to accomplish, and if she was awake, she would ruin everything.

Although she's strong, he knows she can be useful and he knows her powers won't work forever.

Cindy was startled awake by someone shaking her, she looked at the person waking her up, it was Mike. "We have to go!" She gasped, now hearing the sirens blaring in her ears.

She looked over at Will, he had been put off to sleep. Hopper and Owens then barged through the door, seeing Joyce holding a needle and Will fast asleep.

They jumped when the door on the other end of the hallway was being chewed into and bursted down. "We gotta go. We gotta go!" Hopper told them, running over to pick up Will.

Cindy ripped the wires off of her and jumped out of the bed. Mike wrapped his arm around her, helping her through the hallway.

They ran right and were about to run further into the hallway but were stopped when someone was tackled by a monster. Cindy gasped, seeing the person get brutally eaten.

They turned to run back the other way, but a soldier with a gun shot the way they had come from, meaning they were cornered.

The next best bet was a room right behind them. They entered and Owens quickly shut the door, locking it.

Hopper placed Will on a table, while Bob spotted cameras on the wall and watched as baby demogorgans prowled the halls.

Cindy put her hand up to her mouth and choked out sobs, hiding into Mike's shoulder. He wrapped his other arm around her tightly, making sure she was relaxed and okay.

The lights and cameras then flickered, they all looked up at the lights just as they switched off, as well as the cameras and they were stuck in a pitch black room and a place full of demogorgans.

• • •

    Owens laid out a map on the desk, the adults surrounded him while Mike and Cindy sat up against a wall. Mike with his arm around her. "Look, this is us, and this is the nearest exit. But even if we somehow make it there, there's no way out," Owens explained.

"What do you mean?" Hopper asked.

"The locks are fail secure."

"Fail secure?" Joyce queried.

"If there's a power outage, the building goes on lockdown," Owens replied.

"Can it be unlocked remotely?" Bob questioned.

"With a computer, sure, but somebody's gotta reset the breakers."

"Where are the breakers?" Hopper asked.

"Breakers are in the basement, three floors down," Owens responded, showing another map. Hopper went to leave the room but Bob stopped him.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"To reset the breakers," Hopper answered, like it was obvious.

"Okay, then what?"

"Then we get out of here.

"No, then the power comes back on. If you wanna unlock the doors, you have to reboot the computer system, and then override the security codes with a manual input," Bob explained.

Hopper groaned, thinking it was something super easy. "Fine, how do I do that?"

"You can't. Not unless you know BASIC," Bob answered.

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑶𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑹 𝑺𝑷𝒀 - Dustin HendersonWhere stories live. Discover now