Meeting Spikey

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Back at the circus tent, Spikey has put y/n down on his bed, then sat by her/him next to the bed. And after 30 minutes later y/n wakes up in Spikey's bed, "Huh?, w-where the fuck am I?" Y/n said as she/he sees Spikey sitting by her/him and startled a bit, but for some reason y/n started to feel some butterflies in her/his stomach. Y/n started to blush a bit by his eyes and smile, "Hello my dear!" Spikey greeted as he gave her/him some water. "Oh, thank you so much!" Then y/n started to drink the water really fast.

"Thirsty aren't ya?" Spikey said as he was a bit surprised. "Yeah, I haven't had a drink since I left my house." Y/n said as she/he started drinking the water more. "The name's Spikey but the others call me Spike, what's your's dear?" "I'm y/n!" Y/n then asked him why she/he was here. "I brought you here because you really are a beautiful woman/handsome man, and I don't wanna try to creep you out or hurt you in anyway!" Spikey admitted while blushing a little bit. "Well, you kinda scared me a bit earlier." Y/n said to Spikey, then apologizes for scaring her/him, and breaking her/his window. "It's okay, my car was a piece of shit anyway haha!" Spikey started to laugh with her/him, and they both started talking about their daily lives, future goals, ect. The two are starting to get along great!

Then suddenly y/n started to feel sad again, and Spikey seems to notice this "Hey, what's wrong?" Spikey said as he put his hand on her/his shoulder. "I feel like I have nobody, and everytime I try to find someone to be with they always end up treating me like shit, cheat on me and leave me!, and it's hard to find a really good person to have in your life, but I'm starting to feel like that will never happen to me!" After hearing all that, Spikey came closer to y/n for a big comforting hug and holding her/him tight! "I honestly hate being here on earth, it's fucking disgusting!, and everyone in town hates me here" Y/n started to cry softly into Spikey's chest with tears flowing down her/his face.

"It's alright" Spikey then started to wipe y/n's tears with his thumbs, once he had both hands on her/his face, he suddenly kissed her/him on the lips. Y/n was very surprised by that, and started to kiss him back, and they were both blushing a lot and y/n really started to fall for him. Then Spikey breaks the kiss and tells her/him that he better go find the other klowns. "I'll be back my hunny bunny, but I need you to stay in here till I get back, cuz I don't want the others knowing that your here, I promise I'll be back for you later!" Spikey said, and y/n said back to him as he was leaving: "Okay, I love you!" Then Spikey stopped for a second and looked back at y/n. "I love you too!" And he smiles at her/him and blushes then he shuts the door, and y/n was left alone in the room feeling better and finally being loved by the one she/he was waiting for!

Author's Note:
Heyyy, I finally did another chapter today!😃❤️💕And the next chapter tomorrow, (or whenever I have time to write another chapter) be prepared and warned cuz there will be smut in the next one!
Love ya! 🤟😘❤️

Spikey x Reader Smut 18+Where stories live. Discover now