The Big News

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(Hey, so just a reminder, I think for the rest of the chapters for this smut story is just gonna be female! 😊❤️💕 Sooo, I hope you enjoy the chapter! 😚💕)

It has been weeks since y/n had stayed with Spikey and things have been really great for the two of them, then one day she suddenly started to feel a bit worried for some reason, but y/n has soon realized that she hasn't had her period yet, so she thought about it for a moment, and she finally understood why. So she needed to wait for Spikey to come back and to have a very serious talk with him, then after 43 minutes of waiting, Spikey came back to his lover and noticed that y/n looks consurned about something.

"Hey honey, what's wrong?" Said Spikey as he locked the door and walked toward her then sat next to y/n on the bed, "Spikey, can we talk about something?, it's really important!" Said y/n as she looked at her lover. Then Spikey looked at her, "alright, what do you wanna talk about babe?" Spikey said as he looked at y/n with a serious face with his hand on her back, "I'm pregnant!" She said as Spikey suddenly starts to hug her tight, and she hugged him back even more tighter, "are you serious right now?" Spikey said as he rubs his lover's back while hugging her and smiling.

"Yes babe, I'm serious about this!" Said y/n as she starts to cry in his arms, then Spikey put his hand on her stomach to feel his offspring inside of his lover as he smiles more, Spikey went closer to y/n's lips and kissed her softly. And Spikey once again wiped her tears off her cheeks and she looks at his face as he starts to shead some tears, and he goes down to her stomach and he starts to speak to his offspring. "Hey you, I just wanna say that I really can't wait to meet you, and I will do anything to protect you and your mother from anybody who tries to hurt you both, and that's a promise!"

Then Spikey went back up to y/n who shead some happy tears and hugs him tight again, "hey, it's okay babe, I'll help you before our little one gets here!" Spikey said to y/n as he held her tight, he puts his hand on her stomach again, and figured out and told her that she had been pregnant for a month, but there's a lot of things that they have to do before the baby comes home to them. And Spikey hasn't told anyone but Jumbo, about his secret lover staying with him, but Jumbo is a really good friend to him, but y/n was just really glad to be away from her home planet that treated her like she's nothing.

"Hey y/n?" Spikey said as he looked at her beautiful face, "yes Spikey?" Said y/n as she looked at her klown, "I love you so much!" He said as starts to kiss her cheek, "I love you too my Spikey!" She said as she starts to kiss his lips with her hands on his cute ass face, then one of them checked the time, and it was 9:15pm and then they both started to head to their bed, y/n got in bed first then Spikey got in with her. Then the two started to cuddle in bed, and Spikey put his hand on her stomach once again and he smiled then he smiled at y/n who was already asleep, and he kisses her forehead and he starts to fall asleep with her in his arms.

Author's Note:
Hi, so tell me what did you guys think of this cute chapter? 😊😊😊 I'm gonna do some more updates on my other stories as well, anyways I hope you guys have a good day!!! 😘🤗❤️💕

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