The Arrival

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This is the last mouth of y/n's pregnancy, and Spikey started to notice that she had been having contractions for the last few days and she was in pain, and Spikey recently told his boss that he gonna be a dad, and being in love with a human and JoJo was okay with it and he supported them both, y/n was getting out of bed to go to the bathroom quick and then she suddenly started to realize that her water has broke cuz it was all clear liquid all over the floor and called for her lover.

"SPIKEY!" Shouted y/n as Spikey starts hearing his lover calling his name, then Spikey ran to her and noticed that her water has broke, and Spikey started to carry her to a different room where klowns get the best treatment in health, and Rudy has joined in along with Jumbo, Shorty and Slim. "Don't worry y/n, we're almost there honey!" Said Spikey as they all got to the room and he set her down on the bed, and y/n started to feel pain then Spikey stayed by her side as well, Rudy, Shorty and Slim wanted to help with the delivery.

It was about 2 hours later then finally y/n was in labor, she's been taking deep breaths and pushing, "oh Spikey, it hurts so much!" Cried y/n as Spikey was holding her hand and his other hand on her forehead with a cloth, "it's okay babe, you can do this I believe in you!" Spikey said as Rudy told y/n to keep pushing, then y/n looked at Spikey in the eyes and she kept doing it with tears falling down her face, "alright y/n, just a few more pushes and you'll be done!" Rudy said as y/n did what she was told, and she kept crying from the pain and Spikey was comforting his lover while she's in labor.

"Okay, just one last push!" Said Slim as y/n took deep breath and started pushing, "AHHHH!" She screamed as she suddenly herd her baby crying, "it's a girl, congratulations you two!" Said Shorty, then Spikey looked at his offspring and he started to get emotional when he saw his daughter for the first time, then Slim started to wrap her in a little blanket and handed her to Spikey, "hello my little one, I'm so glad to finally meet you!" Spikey said as was holding his daughter in his arms and he gives her to her mother y/n.

Hi honey, welcome to space my little angel!" Said y/n as she cried even more, "well, what are we gonna name her?" Asked Spikey then y/n looked up at him, how about c/n!" (Child's name) She said as the baby started to cuddle with her mom and purring, everyone in the room was in awe when they heard her purr on her mother, "that's a great name, c/n!" Spikey said as he looked at his daughter and his lover and he hugs them both, then he looks at y/n and he kisses her soft lips, "I love you both!" Said Spikey as he looked and smiled at his daughter.

Author's Note:
Okay so I might do a male version of this but I might do something different cuz I got an idea! I hope you enjoyed this beautiful moment, and I hope you have a good day!!!! 😊🙏❤️💕

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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