Getting caught by Jumbo (Smut)

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While y/n was in Spikey's room cleaning the blankets, sheets and the pillow cases. She/he starts to hum and think about her/his lover and sighs. "I can't wait to leave earth soon." Y/n said as she/he starts to wash everything, later on while Spikey was almost done killing the last human in crescent cove before they leave earth, the klowns already got everyone in the whole town. Spikey picked up the last human body in the cotton candy cocoon and carried it back to their circus tent spaceship.

In the circus tent, Spikey places the cotton candy cocoon on the rack hanging with the other cotton candy cocoons. "Damn, what day huh?" Spikey said when he looked at Rudy, "yeah, it was a pretty long and busy day ready to go back home?" Said Rudy as he starts to work on the popcorn computer machine. "Hell yeah"

Spikey said as he was blushing thinking about his lover and smiling, then Rudy looked at him, " hey, what are you blushing about?" "Ummm it's nothing" said Spikey as he was trying to look away from Rudy, " oh come on Spikey I'm your best friend, you got a secret girlfriend/boyfriend or something?" Rudy teased "No!" Spikey said as he's still looking away from Rudy and blushing more.

" Hey, Rudy I'm gonna go now, I'll see you later!" Spikey said as he starts to walk away, "okay, see ya!" Then Rudy went back to work, and Spikey goes to his bedroom door and opens it and see his lover sitting on the clean bed reading a book. He comes in and shuts the door, then y/n looks away from the book and sees her/his lover has returned once again, "Spikey!" Said y/n as she/he jumped from the bed, then ran up to him and jumps in his arms carrying her/him then giving him a big hug. "Hey, my darling!" Said Spikey as he gave her/him some kisses

Then they both started to lay in bed and cuddle, "how's your day babe?" She/he starts to ask her/his lover, "it was a pretty good day, but we're actually leaving earth sometime around midnight, do you want to come with me?" Spikey said to her/him asking her/him to stay. "Really?!" "Yes!" Y/n starts to cry in happy tears while hugging, cuddling and kissing her/his lover, then Spikey got on top of his lover and wiped her/his tears off y/n's face and starts kissing her/him.

"Wanna go for round 3?~" Spikey said looking down at y/n, "yeah!~" y/n responded and got on top of him, the two started to makeout and take off their clothes. Then Spikey took out his hard dick and put it inside of y/n then starts to thrust fast and she/he starts to move with him, "ohhh shit y/n, keep fucking bouncing on my dick!~" Spikey moaned out loud while she/he was still riding him.

Then suddenly Spikey's door interruptly opened by Jumbo, "hey Spikey brought you s- WHAT THE FUCK?!" Jumbo said as he accidentally walked in on Spikey having sex with a human,"OH SHIT, JUMBO!!!" Spikey said as y/n jumped off of her/his lover and went under the covers to cover up then Spikey covered his dick with his hands. "Oh my god I'm so sorry Spikey, I'll come back later okay?" Then Jumbo shuts the door and Spikey went to lock it, "sorry y/n it was my fault, I forgot to lock it." Spikey said as he felt a bit embarrassed, "it's okay babe" y/n said as she/he puts her/his hands on his face and kisses his nose and he starts to blush and smile and after that they have finished what they were doing then they got tired and they both fell asleep.

Author's Note:
Hey, sorry if that was a shitty smut chapter, but I'll probably do better in the future I'm sorry.
But I love ya, have a good day! 🙃❤️

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