A Conversation With Jumbo

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After an hour later, Spikey woke up with y/n in his arms, he got up and got dressed then he writes a note for his lover and left it with her/him. After he wrote the note he left it on the nightstand by y/n the note said:

"hey y/n, I just went to see if the other klowns need any help with anything else, if they do, I might be gone for a bit, but I'll see you when I come back my dearest lover, I love you so much y/n!
From your lover,

After he leaves the note, he opens the door and leaves to go find the others, once he closes his door he starts walking in the hallway and he sees Jumbo, and Spikey didn't want to look at him from what happened earlier. Jumbo sees Spikey and went up to him, "hey Spikey, can we go somewhere in private? I really need to speak with you." Jumbo said as Spikey agreed to speak with him, so they went to Jumbo's room and Jumbo shuts the door and Spikey looks at him questioning him about why did he shut the door behind him.

"hey, I'm really sorry about what happened earlier, why did you bring that human here? Do you love her/him?, I promise I won't tell anybody about this!" And Spikey sighs and admitted to Jumbo that he really loves and wants to be with that human woman/man, "but, why do you love her/him? Jumbo said as Spikey looked at him and sighed, "cuz nobody else loves her/him here, and they all hate her/him! And she's/he's really special and beautiful to me and I don't know what to do if I ever lose her/him!" Jumbo looks at him and starts to hug his friend with support.

"Are you gonna tell Jojo? You don't have to tell him if you're not ready." Jumbo looks at Spikey and he agreed not to tell him about Spikey being in a relationship with a human, "I don't think I'm gonna tell him!" Spikey said as he hugged Jumbo and asked if the others needed help with anything else before they leave, "oh no, your good we got everything pretty much done, so thanks for asking Spike!"

And before Spikey left jumbo's room to go back to see his lover, they hugged one more time and Spikey thanked Jumbo for keeping his secret between them, and after that he left jumbo's room and returned to his own room with his secret lover inside still sleeping. Spikey blushes when he looked at his sleeping beauty and sighs, "I'm never gonna leave you, I'll be sure to protect you form the others if they try to hurt you, I never wanna lose you my darling, I love you y/n." Spikey bended down and kissed her/his lips and he starts to think about making something for her/him, he thought about it and he just went to work!

Author's Note:
Hey, it's been awhile since I updated another chapter for this story, 😁❤️ I hope you like this chapter, have a good day.
I love you!!! 😊❤️💕

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