Alone With Spikey (Smut)

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While y/n was still in Spikey's room waiting, she/he had to find something to do to keep herself/himself occupied while she/he waits. So she/he went into her/his pocket of her/his ripped jeans, and takes out a pack of sticky notes and a pen then starts drawing. After 3 minutes later of drawing, y/n drew a really cute quick picture of her/him with her/his new lover (Spikey). "Aww, he's gonna love this!" And even though they already just met, y/n didn't care she/he was just happy that she/he finally met someone who actually cares about her/him, then y/n was instantly in love with him.

After an hour has passed, y/n got bored of drawing she/he suddenly started to feel a bit horny and wet in her thong/his boxers, she/he felt like she/he shouldn't do this in Spikey's bed, but he wasn't here so she'll/he'll might as well take care of it before he gets back. So she/he unbuttoned her/his jeans to loosen them up a little bit, then slid her/his hand inside of her/his underwear. Then y/n starts touching herself/himself laying down on the bed while gripping on the pillow and moaning quietly. "Mhmm!~, oh fuck!~" y/n said as she/he started moving her/his hand going a little faster. Then suddenly the door opened then she/he jumped, and it was Spikey that returned to his lover, and he was shocked and surprised to see y/n masterbating in his bed.

"SPIKEY!, oh my god I'm so sorry hun, I-i thought you'd be gone for another hour!" Y/n said as she/he buttoned up her/his pants, blushing and felling embarrassed. This left Spikey blushing a lot, "it's okay babe, don't worry about it!" As Spikey said that, he felt his cock getting hard and he looked down. "Oh shit... Hey, you want me to help you with your problem baby?~", asked Spikey while he starts shutting the door and locking it. "Yes, I want you Spikey.~", y/n said as Spikey walked up to her/him and starts kissing her/him passionately as she/he kissed him back. Then Spikey slid his tongue into her/his mouth as y/n did the same thing, after their makeout session, Spikey started to climb on top of her/him and starts grinding while making out with her/him again.

While he was on top of her/him, he starts to slid his hand under her/his shirt to feel her/his bare chest making her/him moan softly, Spikey started to kiss, bite and nibble her/his neck making marks. "Mmh!~, S-Spikey!~" then Spikey stopped kissing her/his neck and suddenly unbuttoned her/his pants and took them off along with her thong/his boxers. Then Spikey went down to her pussy/his dick and starts to suck, lick and finger her/him fast. "A-ahh!~, oh my god, oh Spikey please don't stop!~" as y/n said that Spikey went even more faster causing her/him to cum on his fingers, face and mouth.

"AHHH FUCK YES!~, y/n said with a really hard orgasm, Spikey then kisses her/him again before he removed her/his shirt and removed his suit with revealed a really huge 10 inch cock, y/n blushed by the size of his dick. Then he goes on top of her/him again and he looks at his lover with lust in his green cat eyes, and he starts to tease her/his entrance and slowly went in not trying to hurt y/n. She/he hissed in pain and Spikey kissed her/his neck calming her/him down, "it's okay baby, I'll take a minute for the pain to stop", after he said that the pain was gone and he starts to slowly thrust in and out of y/n.

"H-hey Spikey~, can you please go faster?~" "okay baby, I'll make sure not to hurt you, just let me know if it hurts okay?" "Okay", then Spikey went fast and y/n started to moan like crazy when he went balls deep in her/him, they both started to moan really loudly along with wet skin slapping. Then y/n went on top of him and starts to ride his big dick while Spikey had his hands on her/his chest and hips while thrusting deep inside of her/him.

"Oh fuck, your so fucking wet babe!~" Spikey moaned as he was feeling the tightness of her pussy/his asshole. Y/n had her/his hands on his chest and both of them went really fast, "OHHHH FUCK, SPIKEY I'M GONNA FUCKING CUM!~ " YEAH? I'LL FUCKIN CUM IN YOU!~", then they both came at the same time moaning and took his dick out along with cum leaking out of her/him, and y/n floped on the bed both of them were breathing heavily and went under the covers. After that they talked a bit more, cuddling before they went to sleep, "I love you y/n" Spikey said to her/him as he rest his arm around her/him. "I love you too my Spikey" y/n said holding on to him and they went to sleep instantly in eatchothers arms.

Author's Note:
Hey, I really hoped you enjoyed this smut chapter with Spikey! 😁 Anyway I better go before my phone dies on me lol.
Hope you have a good day!!! 😊❤️

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