Part 2: Looming Shadow

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"There is no passion, there is serenity.  There is no chaos, there is harmony."

Lexa Verace is no longer a Padawan

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Lexa Verace is no longer a Padawan...instead, she's seeking to change the future that she fears is coming.
"I can't be a mother."

Anakin Skywalker is a general with a few

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Anakin Skywalker is a general with a few....problematic tendencies. Still, nothing's more important than the love he has for people.
"A Padawan would just slow me down."

Obi-Wan Kenobi isn't getting paid enough for this

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Obi-Wan Kenobi isn't getting paid enough for this. Literally. Keeping secrets and keeping his mouth shut is already hard enough when just Anakin is involved.
"It's all in the past."

Ahsoka Tano is a feisty Padawan who might just make it through this war if she learns quick enough

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Ahsoka Tano is a feisty Padawan who might just make it through this war if she learns quick enough.
"You're stuck with me, Skyguy!"

Padme Amidala is a Senator and working hard for the war to end

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Padme Amidala is a Senator and working hard for the war to end. She also finds herself entangled in one too many interpersonal relationships for life to be simple.
"I keep dragging you into messes."

Xaedra Xerxi is a Sith and playing the long game, all in the name of love

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Xaedra Xerxi is a Sith and playing the long game, all in the name of love.
"You'll wade through blood for him. But what will your hands be covered in by the end of this war?"

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