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How can she order me she is just a girl in college and doing internship in here and why the hell I listened to her. she is not my wife nor my girlfriend, nor the mother of my child.

I look at Ava who is smiling and giggling all the way to car and touches her buns every three minutes of see her reflection everywhere, I think she loves this hairstyle, but she shouldn't get used to it, I don't think Alyne would help us every day like she did today.

Ava gets in the car and I start the car and we started driving to her school. I remember what Alyne told me about parents and children bonding I remember mine, when my mom and dad used to drive me to school alternate days and how amazing conversations we had. There are so many memories I have created with them but looking back at mine and Ava relationship I don't remember the last time I drove her to school, I was too busy to spend time with her, too busy to find that my wife has cheated on me with not one but several men.

All those traumas come back to me that I have endured due to Hailey.

I feel the tap on my arm and when I looked at Ava, I see her worrying face looking at me. "Are you okay dad, you are griping on that wheel too tightly, your knuckles are all white." She says with her brown eyes sad and sightly watery. 

Oh my god, I didn't even realize I was doing this, she has to see this side of me, and I am an absolute jerk to show her this. But she has seen worse. She has seen me and Hailey at our worst attitudes. She is just a child I forget it while dealing with my own shit. I look at her and now she is picking her nails. 

 I thought of distracting a bit and making her laugh.

"Hey kiddo, its nothing dadda was just thinking about a stupid penguin." I try to distract her from all this nuisance. "Penguin? What penguin daddy?" she asked me with confusion all over her face, "'s a penguin he came to me last night and told me that he wanted to take you to Antarctica to be with him and swim with him in that chilly water all day, I told him, no. So, he started crying."

She looked at me with a o on her lips, "but dadda why can't I go with him, I love penguins, I will have fun in there , I will a lot of penguin friends...."  

"Ok, you can go but after you become 25 years old." She started counting on her finger forgetting she can't count that long. " many years I have to wait daddy, to go with him?"

".... you have to wait till..." I started fake counting on my left hand, "you have to wait for nineteen years. That's not that long."

"so, I will look like Alyne at that time. She is so beautiful; will I look as beautiful as her ever dadda?" she asks me.

"uhm.... Alyne yeah, she is beautiful, but you know what sweetie you are the prettiest in this world and never compare yourself with others, everyone has their own shine and you do too. Don't ever let anyone make you feel less about you especially if one says something stupid to you in school just let me know, I'm always there for you."

Ava looks at me with so much love, it has happened after quite a while, I think I need to thank Alyne for that.

After all, if she hadn't got me and told me to take Ava to school, I don't think I would have drove her to school.

 "dadda, do you like Alyne?" she asks me innocently. 

What! why would she think that "umm... no. why would you think that sweetie." I asked her. 

Her happy face turns into sad face, "I like her dadda, and you called her beautiful, so I thought you like her." she replies to me while looking down at her hands on her laps. I put my hand on her hands, "yeah she is beautiful, but it doesn't mean I like her, anyone who seems beautiful to us is not necessarily good to us, or we are bound to like them."

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