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"Who are you tell me how to deal with my daughter, im doing everything for her."

Noah shouted at me. And at this I lost my cool, seriously that kid was just telling him how was her first day and this dumb fuck can't even listen to it. 

"You know what Noah you have just got blind; money is not we all need children need love, care and time. And you know what one day you will look back and regret that your daughter is no more willing to share her life with you, you need to be good to her being a single parent is not easy, but it doesn't mean you will neglect her."

When I finished his whole face was on fire. "How can you say that I not paying attention to her."

 "you remember yesterday morning, you made really ugly ponytails and beside they were really tight, they must have been hurting her, but how can you know you know you don't have any conversation with her, you ruined her lunch because you were panicking for a bus, it was her first day Noah, you should be the one to take her to school without even me asking for it, and then when she was telling you about her day you should have listened to her and dived in conversation with her." I took a huge breath after this long monologue.

Noah started laughing, seriously is he high or something, "look kiddo," "im not a kiddo."I intruppted him, he looked at me and teasingly smiled and rolled eyes at me. God this guy is getting on my nerves.

"ok, not a kiddo, are you a mom, no you are just 22 and you are acting like you are the mother of my child, my own my ex-wife never got between us like that, she do her and I do me and for now you do you and I will do whatever I want. Ok just don't get between the two of us." he stated this so plainly that I don't know why it broke my already broken heart.

I looked at him for several minutes he is just an asshole. "you all men are same, you all don't own a heart." He looks at me like he has listened that before and it infuriates him more.

I stood up from my chair and started walking towards my room. I feel his feet coming closer to me and with one swift he turns me to him, and I bump into the wall, and he was standing so close to me that I can feel his cold breadth. He had caught me by my arm with so much strength that it started hurting.

"you don't know what kind of heart men have. You women cheat on us, keep fucking secrets from us, spend our whole money, take away our children from us and when we stood up for our self and give divorce to you, you took huge alimony for your self like you married us just for the sake of my fucking money. You never loved me, it was all a lie." His eyes had venom and the more the time passes his strength on my arms was increasing and at the end it hurted so much that I quietly shrieked and tears rolled down my cheeks.

When he got what he did he left me and took several steps away from me. And looked at me like I am an completely different person and he just came back from some another universe. He looked at me with so much guilt and the venom in his eyes is transformed into shame.

I look that him and decided to go inside of my room. I was devastated all the words he said, it was for his wife, she cheated on him, and took huge alimony, I felt bad for Ava she has to go throw this shit every day. Divorce is something that eat a child's best moment alive, causing them a childhood trauma.

My sweet little angel, I just wish I could go in her room and hug her but I don't think Noah would be okay with that. I just feel shattered it been just few days and I'm too much invested in them.I need to focus on myself, taking a day off was just a stupidity.

"Dad please I can't go like this, children will make fun of me, joey will end her friendship with me, dad please." Ava is crying so hard that it is making me cry, Noah please be gentle on her. how could he do this. I can hear them from in here, she really don't want to go like that. I want to go out and help her but I can't.

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