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I woke up under a soft touch. The blankets are cleaner than before and the room....well, it doesn't seem like my room. Its beautiful and calm. When I looked around my arm is on the top of someone's waist. Her back is on my side. Her brown hair are so beautiful, I mindlessly started stroking her hair, she responded to my touch and hummed a bit in her sleep.


Where I am.

Who is this.

Did I just went with some girl last night and slept with her and now I'm stroking her hair while cuddling her.

What the fuck Noah, what are you doing in your life.

I just jumped out of the bed, but I'm in my shorts, not in jeans. When I looked at the girl she looked familiar and I noticed she is wearing shirt under the blankets. Does that mean nothing is happened between me and this girl.

When she turned to my side my heart started pumping more blood and its racing like an American paint horse.

This girl is no one other than Alyne.


Did I slept with Alyne last night. What did it suppose to mean. I ruined the roommate relationship we had. I started remembering all the awful events of yesterday. It feels like someone is continuously hammering on my head. I remember when the bartender put me in that cab but I don't remember anything after that.

Just as I try to bring back my memories of last night. I heard her shifting more in the bed. She woke up and looked at me. Her eyes are still not fully opened but she is not shocked to see me.

So basically she remember what happened last night.

She stretched her arm out of the blanket and checked her phone. She sits up and stretch her body more and yawned and looked at me. Still with half opened eyes.

I need to find courage to ask her what happened between us last night, when suddenly I looked at her shirt. Seriously why are the buttons always opened. I flushed red and looked at her face, she realizes something and then looks at her chest. 

"oh" that is all she said and started closing her button.

She is not shy around me, although I turned my face to different side but why isn't she shy around me. Its making me think that something happened.

I cleared my throat, "did something happened between us last night?" I asked her in my lowest possible voice. She looks at me confusedly and then her face changes into realization. Then she wickedly smiles at me and doesn't say a word and started making a bun of her hair.

This made my headache worse, what the hell, "umm....Alyne, what did we do last night." She looked at me and smiled mischievously and said, "what we should have done."

What the fuck does that mean. I looked at the surrounding of the room and there was no sign of anything sexual happened. No clothes on the floor, nothing wild and besides we both were still clothed, still her reply made me nauseous. I say the packet of melted ice near the pillow.

I remember last night when I came back I changed into shorts and came here with that so that I can ask her to forgive me. But how did I ended up here. Why didn't I got back to room.

"umm.....Alyne, did we had sex last night." I asked in the most normal tone I could say. She looked at me and then she stretched her arms in the air and get into bed again but looks at me while hear head up and her hand supporting it on her temples, "yeah Noah, we had. I didn't thought you could be that good, drunk Noah is quite caring and I should say, more intimidating."

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