Sleeping Beauty

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 As she reached for the doorknob to close the door, she noticed Josh walking out with her. Confused, she asked, "Aren't you going to spend time with Ruth?"

Josh, equally puzzled, replied, "She told you she'll spend time with her boyfriend."

Shivya still having a confused look questioned, "Exactly. So, aren't you going to have a nice time?"

Shivya raised her eyebrows, indicating her curiosity. Josh understood what was running through Shivya's mind.

Josh chuckled, closed his eyes, and gave a peculiar look while shaking his head. He said, "No... Jesus no."

Shivya felt a pang of embarrassment, thinking she might have asked something inappropriate, and said "Sorry, if I asked something wrong."

Josh reassured her, saying, "No, Shivya. No... I am her cousin, not her boyfriend. I am not that lucky."

Shivya's expression changed as she wondered why he referred to Ruth's boyfriend as lucky. Josh sensed her confusion and cut her thoughts saying "He is lucky because he is with a girl like Ruth who loves him for who he is. She genuinely loves him."

Shivya understood his perspective and smiled warmly. They started walking along the corridor.

Shivya nodded "True, not everyone is lucky when it comes to love, be it from family or a partner."

There was a hint of pain in her voice as she spoke. Josh shrugged, cautioning her with a sarcastic tone, "But I guess I should be very careful when I speak to you; you assume a lot."

Shivya, feeling defensive, argued, "Hey, your cousin didn't introduce you as her brother, and usually when a guy calls another guy lucky in the context of a girl, it implies jealousy."

Josh responded sarcastically, "Thank you for enlightening me on that, Indian goddess."

Shivya gave him a confused look and asked, "Goddess?"

"Shiva is an Indian god, right? Shivya must be his wife. Just guessing."

Shivya nodded appreciatively, acknowledging he was correct "Hmmm. Never expected an American to know something about an Indian god."

Josh stroked his chin and said "I have a deep connection to India. Long story for some other day."

Shivya chuckled "I thought you were straight-up flirting when you called me a goddess."

Josh clarified, "Flirting is the last thing on my menu right now. Just went through a tough break-up. Not up for anything right now." Shivya could sense the sincerity in his words.

Shivya agreed, "I am on the same page" .

She extended her hand for a high-five. Josh smiled at her playful gesture and reciprocated with his hand.

Josh quizzed "Bad breakup?"

Shivya gave a low laugh, "Bad parents... I mean strict parents. I am on borrowed time. They will disown me if I fall for some guy here."

Josh's eyes widened, and he shrugged, saying, "Sounds scary."

"Growing up with Indian parents is a rollercoaster, especially when it comes to choosing a life partner. They're all for it until you fall for someone outside their chosen circle."

As they stepped outside the dorm, the vibrant campus atmosphere surrounded them. Their leisurely stroll allowed for a more candid conversation.

Josh shook his head disagreeing "It has its perks. Arranged marriages align with family standards, and you get a closer look at the potential partner's family. It's like a family vetting process. In my case, the girl was all about mo... (He paused, halting the word 'money') ... I mean looks. It lacked depth. My parents, with their experience, would've seen through it."

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