The First Kiss

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Josh, typically meticulous and in control, found himself losing his composure

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Josh, typically meticulous and in control, found himself losing his composure. Tears streamed down his face uncontrollably as he held onto Shivi's unconscious form. It felt like he had lost everything in a moment. The doctors, now running tests and analyzing Shivi's condition, added to the anxiety in the room.

A few moments ago, they were planning to enjoy stolen moments together, and now she lay almost lifeless on the hospital bed. The joy and excitement from earlier turned into a profound sense of despair. The ground seemed to crumble beneath Josh's feet, leaving him emotionally shattered.

In his grief, Josh couldn't help but utter a desperate plea, "My Jesus and her Vaishnavi maa, both of you, please save her. I will do anything for her just to stay hale and healthy." The sincerity in his voice resonated with the depth of his emotions, a plea to any force that could bring Shivi back to life. The doctors approached him, ready to share information. His heart raced like a marathon runner as they drew closer. He silently prayed to God, willing to sacrifice himself if it meant saving her.

The doctor perceived the visible concern etched on his face and said, "Mr. Morrone, please don't worry; she is fine."

Josh, still agitated, exclaimed, "But she just collapsed in my arms."

The doctor attempted to console him, "There is nothing wrong with her. Perhaps she just experienced a moment of panic. Did anything happen that could have triggered it?"

Josh shook his head, stress visibly outlined on his face, "We were engaged in casual conversation; nothing should have caused her stress or panic. It was a normal discussion."

The doctor patted his back, assuring him, "I have examined her ECG. She is perfectly fine. We have also conducted an Echo to confirm it. She could awaken any minute. If you still harbor any doubts, you may inquire about her medical history, as there appears to be nothing serious within our knowledge. The other doctor concurs. Take her home."

Josh breathed heavily, expressing gratitude, "Alright, thank you."

Josh felt a profound sense of relief with the words he just heard, yet he was still grappling with the mystery of her sudden fainting spell. She also mentioned the need for a cardiologist. All these queries drilled a hole in his mind. He escorted her to the nearby resort, settling her in the room he had previously reserved.


As she gradually opened her eyes, it felt like an eternity for him, even though only an hour had passed. He rushed to her bedside, nearly stumbling because neither his steps nor his mind was in balance. He gently took both her hands in his, gazing into her eyes, concern emanating from his every pore.

Josh's voice trembled as he said, "Honey, you're back. Thank God. I really thought I lost you."

Shivi, confused by his exaggerated behavior, asked, "Josh, what happened? Why are you so unsettled? Where are we?"

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