Please God One More Chance!!!!!

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Several hours later, Shivi awoke in the hospital bed, finding herself alone. Pain pulsated through her entire body as she gingerly pulled herself upright. The memory of Josh's brave act replayed in her mind-he had pushed her out of the truck's path but remained in harm's way. Her recollection was filled with the blinding light from the truck, and an overwhelming fear gripped her insides.

Slowly approaching the door, Shivi witnessed the aftermath of a severe motor accident. A bloodied figure was being wheeled into the operating theatre. Panic seized her heart, and she rushed forward, her eyes fixed on the injured person. She braced for the worst, but a breath of relief escaped her as she realized it wasn't Josh.
Despite the momentary relief, she couldn't shake the fear that lingered. Determined to find Josh, she decided to inquire with the hospital staff. Hastening to the nurse station on the floor, Shivi, with trembling hands and a shaky voice, asked, "I want to know if there is any patient here by the name Josh?"
Her hands shook as she struggled to focus, and the nurse inquired, "Josh Anderson?"

Shivi, lost in her thoughts, only half-listened, her head still throbbing.

Trying to bring Shivi back to the present, the nurse persisted, "Hello, ma'am..."

Reality slowly returned to Shivi as the nurse spoke softly, "Mr. Josh from the motor accident?"

With a nod, Shivi acknowledged that Josh had indeed been in an accident. The nurse, however, delivered the heartbreaking news, "Sorry, ma'am, he is not a patient anymore."
Relieved initially as she thought he must be discharged, Shivi's world crumbled as she processed the nurse's next words. Panic set in as she urgently asked, "Not your patient anymore? What do you mean? Is he fine? Is he discharged?"

The nurse, attempting empathy, paused before revealing the devastating truth, "Ma'am, I'm sorry. He passed away two hours back. His body is in the morgue. You can identify him. The cops are already here, trying to reach his family."

Shivi's world shattered. The sounds around her became a blur as the horrifying images of Josh pushing her away and the imminent collision replayed relentlessly in her mind. The nurse's concerned voice brought her back, and Shivi, struck by the news, nodded, feeling as if her entire life had been irrevocably wrecked.

Shivi wiped away her tears and quietly requested, "I want to see him."

The nurse pointed in the direction and informed her, "The body is in the morgue. You can see it. The last room before the balcony."

"Body." "It." Those words felt like daggers to her heart. Josh had passed away due to an accident, but the pain she felt seemed as if she had been struck by a thousand trucks.
With heavy steps, Shivi walked towards the mentioned room. Every step was a painful reminder of every second spent with him, every laugh, every tear he wiped away.

Shivi thought to herself, "All he had expected was my love, but I just thought about my parents. I was selfish, ran to him during every bad time but never responded to his genuine feelings. Had I said yes to him right there in his room, he wouldn't have come behind me to ensure my safety and ended up in the morgue. What would I tell his mom if I ever met her? He wanted to give me everything in life, and I just took his life. The only guy who saw a soul in me is now laying soulless in some morgue. God, you are so cruel. If all you wanted was someone to die, you could have killed me. Why did you take him? You cannot do this. You cannot take the only person who ever loved me. Why are you doing this to me?"

She collapsed on the floor near the balcony, crying with her palms over her face.

Shivi continued, "Oh Josh...Josh. Where did you go leaving me? I didn't even tell you I loved you too. I could never tell you how much I wanted you in my life. How can I ever tell you that you've become the reason I breathe? I wanted to be your wife and just give you little humans as you told your mom. I wish I had shown some mercy to you and opened my heart to you before. I just kept acting as if everything other than you matters. I never knew how much I loved you until you breathed. Oh, Josh... Josh, what have I done? He asked me to give him one chance and trust him. I was so engrossed in my own miseries that everything is beyond repair now. I wish God gives me one chance, just once. I promise I will love him right. God, please tell me this is a bad nightmare. Please wake me from my sleep and tell me this is over. I cannot live without this man. Please... please..."

As she poured her heart out, footsteps from the morgue room drew her attention. Lowering her hands from her face, Shivi noticed a hospital staff member emerging.

The staff member asked, "Are you here for Mr. Josh from the bike accident?"
About to nod, Shivi hesitated as the realization dawned that it wasn't a bike accident. Her brows pulled together in confusion.

Sensing her confusion, the staff member questioned further, "Josh Anderson, 50+ age, right?"

Shivi rubbed her eyes, clearing her blurred vision caused by tears, and his words confused her. Still immersed in her fear, she tried to clear her confusion, her hands still trembling. "What did you say his name was?"

The staff member repeated, "Josh Anderson."

Shivi breathed a sigh of relief. She shook her head and said, "No... I am looking for Josh Andrews."

The staff apologized, saying, "Oh, sorry. This guy had a driver's license and other proof, and his name is Josh Anderson."

Shivi gasped for air, relief flooding her upon realizing her Josh was alive and breathing somewhere. Someone gently touched her shoulders. Turning slowly, she locked eyes with those familiar green orbs, alive and well. Overwhelmed, she screamed, "Josh!"
Shivi hastily got up, grabbing him by the collar, and wailed. The commotion attracted the attention of everyone nearby. The staff, still present, felt the weight of the situation. Josh turned toward the staff, silently questioning if he was aware of what was happening.

The staff explained, "We had a patient dead with the name Josh Anderson. I guess there was some miscommunication or misunderstanding. She genuinely believed it was someone close to her."

"Shit. Fine, I got her. Thank you," Josh cursed himself for leaving her alone when she woke up, leading to all this confusion.
Trying to push her away to see her face, he met resistance. She refused to let him go, crying profusely. The fear she experienced was still palpable, despite knowing the reality. She held him tight, as if afraid the god of death would snatch him from her hands.
Josh rubbed her back, attempting to comfort her, "Shivi, love, I am fine. Stop crying now."

Still clinging tightly to him, she sobbed uncontrollably. Josh reassured her, saying, "Shivi, I am still alive, warm, breathing, and not dead."

In an instant, she pushed him away and slapped him hard on his cheek. "Shivi, that was.... hard," he said, rubbing his cheek.

Holding his collar again, giving him an angry stare, she declared, "Never ever say that word. You are not dying and leaving me. If you ever try to do that, I will find you and kill you myself. I told you I need this warm hug. So don't you dare die while I am still breathing. And look at me, Mr. Josh Andrews, I am choosi..."

Josh interrupted her by putting his hand on her mouth. He stopped her from saying more, exchanging a meaningful look and saying, "Not here. Stay with the same emotion for 10 more minutes. I want you to tell me the same thing after that."

He grabbed her hand and led her out of the hospital. He took her to some place.

Josh released her hand and instructed, "Stay here for a minute." He left her there and went inside the house. As the lights switched on, Shivi tried to comprehend more about the place.

The entire area was now well-lit, adorned with numerous string lights shaped like hearts hanging everywhere. The decor featured gold and red hues, with a canopy of lights above. Shivi found herself standing in the center of it all.

Josh emerged from the house and walked toward her with a hand in his pocket.
Shivi observed, "Damn, he looks even more handsome in the yellow light."

Her breathing escalated as soon as she saw her Greek god and she chew her lips without her knowledge. He chuckled see her lost in the trance state which brought her back to reality.

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