He Is More Than Perfect!!!!

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"You want to feel true love? Fine, let me give it to you. A lot of love. Come here with me."

He took her by the hand and led her to the bathroom, he commanded in an assertive tone, "Wash your face." Shivi, puzzled, raised her eyebrows, trying to comprehend his intentions.

"You want me to love you, right? I want you to look presentable before I give you the love you deserve," Josh clarified.

Shivi obediently washed her face, still unsure about the unexpected turn of events.

Shivi: "He wants me to look presentable when he has sex. Maybe he is not wrong. No one wants to see a crying face when they want to enjoy."

Josh insisted again "Adjust your hair; I want it to look neat, not like you're planning to end it all in the next hour." His eyes lingered on her, gauging her reaction.

Shivi sighed, nervously pursed her lips.
"Perhaps I should appear presentable for my first and last intimate moment. Never on earth had I thought my first time would be like this" She glanced at him, her eyes expressing a blend of uncertainty and agreement.

She meticulously combed and blow-dried her hair, stealing glances at herself in the mirror. Once finished, he gently pulled her out of the washroom. Holding two ice packs, he instructed her to place them on her cheeks. She complied, watching him with her pleading eyes as he washed his face and got ready.

Seated at the chair of his study table, she nervously bit her nails, lost in thought about the impending moments. He settled on the bed, a playful smirk on his face.

"You always sit on my bed, and now when you want to be intimate with me, you're in the chair. Come here." He patted the bed next to him, a glint of anticipation in his eyes.

She approached him slowly, her hands fidgeting with the hem of her T shirt. Sitting beside him, she leaned against the wall, her eyes meeting his with innocence and anticipation. He intertwined his fingers with hers, giving a gentle squeeze, and tenderly kissed her hand. There was a reassuring smile on his face.

He gazed at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes and inquired, "Are you ready to embrace all the love I'm about to give you?"  That was the last thing she wanted to remember before she took her life. He was the sole person who had shown her affection, and she wanted to love him fully one last time, freeing herself from worldly miseries. Slowly sliding into bed, she anticipated his imminent possession of her body.

A few days earlier, she had tried to guard her heart against him, resisting his invasion. Now, with full consent, she eagerly awaited his intimate invasion. She surrendered to the unconditional love he bestowed upon her.
He reached for his phone, leaving her to wonder if he was recording a video. It no longer mattered, as she knew her remaining hours were limited. Drawing near, he tenderly kissed her cheeks, prompting her to close her eyes and breathe heavily. A minute of silence passed before Josh, in a cheerful tone, exclaimed, "Yaya..."

Upon hearing the word "Yaya," Shivi opened her eyes and found him engaged in a video call with his mom. She sat up in shock, feeling a rush of blood through her veins. Though she wasn't in the frame, she sat down beside him, quickly tidying up her dress. A subtle smile spread across his face as she corrected her dress.

Shivi voiced her thoughts, questioning, "Yaya, his mom? Why is he calling her now? He agreed to make love to me without saying anything. What is going on in his mind, actually?"

Yaya, with concern, asked Josh, "How are you feeling right now? Did you talk to that girl? Did you apologize?"

Shivi, frustrated, wondered, "Damn it. Did he tell his mom everything that happened at the resort? Did he mention that I blamed him? I exaggerated everything. Did he apologize to me because he spoke to his mom, even though he wasn't at fault? Did she instruct him to apologize despite knowing his intentions were pure? Is she so noble that she can see my side too, even though her son is not in the wrong side? Can a mom be so virtuous, telling her son to consider the other side, when my mom refuses to see my own side?"

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