Stolen Moment

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Josh's behavior was weird but she could understand there was something in his mind .Waiting for a few seconds, Shivi followed him and stood by his side. Again, he avoided looking at her, and she had had enough.

Shivi's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and concern as she questioned, "Josh, what is wrong with you?" She observed him closely, waiting for an explanation.

Josh's expression remained stoic, his eyes avoiding direct contact with Shivi. "I'll drop you at your dorm. Give me 5 minutes," he replied, his voice a bit tense.

Shivi's concern deepened, and she pressed further, "What about dinner?" Her eyes searched for any hint of emotion in Josh's face."

Josh sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly. "I can't do it," he uttered, the words sounding heavy with an unspoken burden. His gaze remained distant, avoiding a direct connection with Shivi. His face showed struggle, and his words were sharp and short. Shivi couldn't understand his behavior. Just before her haircut, he had been as sweet to her as a Dairy Milk, and now he was almost like gunfire. She never wanted to go to dinner, but he was the one who had requested it.

Shivi's eyes reflected a mix of confusion and hurt as she confronted Josh, "You brought me here, suggested donating my hair, and now you behave as if you're repelled by me. Do I look that bad?" Turning toward him, she awaited a response, but Josh struggled to articulate his feelings.

Shivi's frustration grew, and she insisted, "For God's sake, at least look at me properly for once." Josh, his gaze avoiding direct contact, managed to stammer, "Jesus no...You look amazing. It's just me."

Shivi pressed on, her concern evident, "What is wrong with you?" Josh, sounding burdened, confessed, "If I look at you for 2 more seconds, I will say something inappropriate and ruin this. You'll be angry with me, and you won't speak to me for weeks. And that would be another dagger in my heart. Shit, why did I say that? That's why I try to shut up."

Shivi, still searching for clarity, challenged him, "Well, you're already ruining it, Josh. Tell me what it is you so badly want to say."

She wondered if he was going to pass any sexual comments on her, and she was already regretting asking him to be open.

Josh, his struggle apparent, admitted, "I feel like taking you to my home right now," leaving Shivi both intrigued and apprehensive about what might follow.

Shivi: I was right, he wants sex.

Josh's eyes sparkled with a mix of determination and passion as he said, "I want to take you to my home in America, and introduce you to my mom, my siblings, and my dad. Introduce you to the whole world that you are my world."

Shivi, caught off guard, questioned with a hint of disbelief, "Because I had a haircut?" Josh shook his head as he retorted, "Sometimes you behave like your brain box is totally empty. God damn it, I really like you. I am trying so hard not to fall for you. And back there, I felt like I would say this if I looked at you for 2 more seconds. I have been with a girl for 2 years but never felt like what I feel towards you. See, you are standing a meter apart, but your mere look is incendiary enough, setting me on flames. I am burning to be with you. Jesus, I told you I would say inappropriate things. Shit, shit, shit."

In response, Shivi, driven by impulse, took a step towards him, confessing, "Maybe we consider this a stolen moment. I am equally guilty as I already crossed the line sometime back."

Josh, still grappling with the intensity of his emotions, sought confirmation, "Do you know what stolen moments mean? I hope I am not dreaming." Shivi assured him, "I know the meaning. Maybe we should live this stolen moment today and pretend as if it never happened tomorrow."

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