Chapter 3

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When Key left, she headed to the stables to talk to Max and take him on a walk. On her way there she was lost in thought just thinking about things. When she got there, she said her favorite words. "Guess who's back." Max popped out his head. "Hi Max," she said walking toward him. "Do you want to go for a walk?" He jumps up and down. "Ok let's go then." She unlocks the door, and Max steps out. "Would you like to join us?"

Felix was standing in the door frame of the barn. "You cease to amaze me at how well you hear."

"Well," she smiles, "Come on." She waves to tell him to come and join them. They all walk out of the barn. "Felix this is Max. Max this is Felix the guy I told you about."

"You told him about me?"

"Yes." Max looks at Felix and looks him up and down. "Well, what do you think Max." Max goes in front of Felix and stares into his soul.

"What is he doing?"

"I don't know." Max looks at Key and nods his head. "I think he likes you." Max goes next to Key. To where she is in between Max and Felix.

"Is that a good thing?"

"Yes, he doesn't usually trust people."

"Oh, so he's like you in a way."

"Yeah, he learned from the best."

They talked and walked for about half a mile. When Key said, "Ok let's get you back to the stables." Max neighed in sadness. "Do you want to race back?" She asked Max. He got up on his back legs and neighed loudly. "What do you say Felix want to race me and Max, and you in the trees."

"Doesn't seem fair, but you're on. What's the price?"

"I don't care whatever you desire."

"If I win, I take you on a date. If you win."

She looked surprised. "Ok, if I win then I promise I won't leave, and go on that date."

"Deal." He jumps into a tree, and Key gets on Max.

Key says, "On your mark. Get set. GO!!" They tack off Key takes the lead, then Felix doses. They just go back and forth. "Come on Max." he gives one last push and wins the race. Felix jumps out of the tree and goes beside Key.

"Good race. I didn't expect Max to be so fast."

"He can go even faster." Felix looks up at Key and smiles. He gives her his hand, and he helps her get down. She says in a fancy voice "Thank you, kind sir."

"You're very welcome Mis." Felix says in a fancy voice too.

"Come on Max." she said in her regular voice. Max follows, and they head inside. Felix waits in the door frame of the barn for her. "Say goodnight, Max." He looks at Felix and stares him down.

"Don't worry I won't hurt her. If I do, she'll beat me first. Goodnight, Max."

"Good boy Max. Goodnight, love you." She kisses him on the cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow." They hugged one last time. She lets go and walks toward Felix. She looks back one more time and smiles, then waves.

"Bye Max." Felix says. They walk out of Max's view.

They head for the forest to get some more privacy. Felix had picked a special spot for their date.

"So, Felix when are we going on this date?"

He grabs her hand and says, "How about now?"

"Now! But I'm not dressed properly."

"I don't care. We're not going anywhere."

"Then where are we going?"

"You'll see."

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