The Invite

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Pic of Katherine (mom) ^^^

Cameron's POV

I can't believe it. She's really gone. My mom is... Dead. My mind goes back to all of those times I spent with her. When I was younger, (and by younger I mean 11, hey don't judge me) and it rained, I would climb into bed and snuggle underneath her stomach.

I was absolutely afraid of thunder and lightning.

"There, there son," she would say while running her hands through my hair. I would then turn to her and try to make out her features through the darkness.

"Sing to me momma."

"What would you like to here?" She would always say.


She would then sing Amazing Grace to me.Her melodic voice was so beautiful that one would mistake it for a fallen angel. I would be fast asleep when my father would come home from work.

"Boy get your overgrown self out of my bed and away from my woman," he would say. I would laugh and get up. Afterwards, he would slap me in the back of my head playfully and walk me back to my room.Some nights we would have father and son talks. And other nights he would just tuck me in and leave.I smile inwardly but the tears continue to fall uncontrollably. I sat in the waiting room of the hospital. Carly passed out when I told her that mom was gone. I turn and look at my Audrey.

And yes, I did say "my" because she is mine. Sure she may have shared a few choice words wih me, but I deserved it for the way that I have treated her over the years. But what can I say? I was a teenage boy and we typically don't consider let alone care about the feelings of a girl.

But now that I'm a man, things have changed. She had her head down in her hands silently crying. I walk across the waiting room.

"Maybe we should give each other some space," she said when we first walked in. She then sat all the way across the room. It's pretty clear that her definition of "some" and mine are two different things.

"Get up"

Audrey's POV

"Get up," I hear. I lifted my head slowly and raised a questioning brow. Cameron never uses that voice with me. It was so-so...demanding and in control.

"Let's go." He spins around on his heel and I follow him. He leads me to a secluded corner and grab my arms gently, placing me in front of him so that I am trapped. I fold my arms.

" What? What do you-

"Hush, just be quiet okay? Please" he tells me. He grabs my hand and place it against his heart. It was beating rapidly.

"Audrey, he stares at me deeply. My heart didn't even beat this fast when I saw my own mother dead in my home."

"Boy do I feel special, I think to myself.

"I do realize that I haven't been the best to you in the past. I just saw you as another little sister. It wasn't until the night I saved you, that things changed. I showed up to your sixteenth birthday party but I saw you laughing and talking to someone else. I got jealous so I left. I don't think that you are ugly and worthless.To me you are beautiful and valuable. I didn't mean to talk about you and your mom that way. I'm sorry Audrey. I really am. But trust me when I tell you this. You do need me and my apology.

I open and close my mouth. I can't seem to find the right words to say. He gets closer, leans in and-

"Accardi family! Accardi family!" Cameron closes his eyes in annoyance and walk to the doctor.

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