Chapter 3

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I closed my eyes hoping to fall asleep just to calm myself down from the event that just happening praying it was just my imagination and I'm just going insane. I opened my eyes scanning the room then closed them again. Might as well just sleep it off, maybe tomorrow will be better and this will all just blow over. Hopefully..

After laying there for awhile, Y/N soon falls asleep listening to calm music, little does she know the dark shadows around her, someone was watching and listening. She wasn't alone.


I woke up bright and early in the morning with a major head ache.

"fuckkk my life. Why me." I groaned rolling out of bed slowly. I checked myself in the mirror realizing the girl I'm currently looking at looks like a mess. Sighing I started a shower after laying out a fresh pair of clothes to be clean. After the hot early shower I did my makeup and ate breakfast.

"Yesterday was crazy. Maybe this whole fiasco is just driving me insane.." I mumbled. I got up and went outside to check the mail, nothing new yet just coupons and such. I walked back in with a bunch of mail in my hands and then soon dropping them on the kitchen floor when I see The King Of Hell himself in my kitchen sipping coffee leaning against the counter.

"Greetings and good morning, Y/N!" He flashed a sharp teeth smile at me.

"What are you doing here and how do you know my name?!" I shouted.

"Already yelling in the morning? You will lose your voice by the end of the day." He laughed. "But like I said you can't get rid of me, at this point your soul is now in my hands and we need to make a deal for me to even leave fully! Doesn't really matter because once you die you will automatically be sent to hell for even summoning me, did you even read into this before summoning me?" He pulled out a weird blood red book.

"It wasn't my idea and it was for a joke so no, and thanks for telling me a warning that I'll be sent to hell once I die." I replied with sarcasm. He shrugged and the book soon left with flames. "Well since you now know, just make a deal with me to just end it. For now at least, it can be the most simplest deal too like money, power, you get what I'm saying" Finishing his sentence with a sip out of his coffee.

"Nah I'm okay I don't need you." I said bluntly.

He rolled his eyes in annoyance, "your loss, I'll see you soon my dear Y/N." Then he vanished. Still dumb founded from what just happened I wanted to make plan to get proof that he is real and shove it into my friends faces. I opened my phone and looked for near by stores with cheap home tech cameras and found some near by. I took a chug of milk and headed out the door, opened my car door and zoomed off. "I'll show them that he is real one way or the other." I blasted music while driving to this small electronic home store, Ya know just a few blocks away.

I bought enough cameras to place 2 in every room around the house, they were on sale and if it doesn't work out I can return them within 2 weeks that's just perfect in my opinion. On my way back I bought a cappuccino from a coffee shop with a sandwich because why not? I'm still hungry. While driving finally back to my house I noticed a unfamiliar car following behind but not thinking much of it. I pulled into the drive way, entered my home, then started installing the cameras around my home. "Ohhh I get to connect the videos to my phone? That's perfect." I hummed.

I laid lazily on the couch watching TV until my phone buzzes.

New text from dad

Dad: Hey kiddo how are you doing?

Y/N: Im fine just watching TV, how about you?

Dad: We are fine, just at the clowns motel on a tour to learn more about it. I got a little bored and felt like messaging you to see how you are doing

Y/N: OMG!! so fun but pay attention, mom might get mad at you (laughing face emoji)

Dad: Alright stay safe hun, Love ya baby girl

Y/N: Love you too Dad (Red heart emoji)

Before I put my phone down I got a random notification of unfamiliar movement coming from the art study room. A little shaken I open up the app to that camera but nothing was showing. "Weird maybe its just bugging out.." The camera just showed the normal room it was, well with a pentagram on it but then suddenly it starts glitching out. I held my breath and waited for it to stop glitching. After a few minutes it stopped and nothing happened. "Ok weird again.." I put my phone down and continued watching TV switching channel by channel.

A few hours later I yawned noticing the sun is about to set. "I wanna go on a drive.." I grabbed my car keys and left my home entering my car then backing out the drive way while blasting music. I drove around the town just looking at everything around me. While trying to find a good spot to have alone hangout time I notice from the mysterious car earlier was behind me. I shrugged it off again and kept driving going farther and farther to find a nice destination to admire the view in. Taking many roads and turns not losing the car I started getting an anxious feeling. "The hell does this person want.." I drove up a hill with a good view of the sunset, parked my car but stayed inside. The other car parked a few inches away from mine and I saw two people exit it walking up to my car. I held my breathe and watch them slowly walk up to my car. Two masked men? Great. Absolute amazing. I rolled down my window to find out what they needed.

"Is there a reason why you are following me?" staring dead eye at one while the other was at the passenger window. There was a weird awkward silence until I notice a gun in his pocket. My immediate reaction was to drive away but before I could they shot my tires, "SHIT". I slide down the hill in my car and then a boom was created. "WHAT THE-"


And thats where I leave you guys to figure out what happened until the next chapter. Hope you enjoyed in lmfao. Cya next time

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