Chapter 10

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Recap on chapter 9...

"Can this spell be done in the library?" I questioned watching him set up everything. "Yes, I think I know what I'm doing" He laughed taking off his hat and jacket. "Now I'll be with you the whole 10 minutes on earth, remember you can't, CAN NOT, communicate or associate with anyone alive. I'm not even supposed to do this but it's a good deed for you, hopefully also will make you feel better." crossing his arms standing in front of me. "Yes sir" I put my arms up to salute in a army position which caused us to both break into a laughter fit after a few seconds. "Okay lets do this!" He cracked his knuckles and made a golden sizzle portal appear in front of both of us. "Ladies first" He sang. I smiled and leaped through the portal with Lucifer following shortly behind me.


Landing on top of a building roof top, I looked around confused then realization hit, "OH MY GOD THIS IS A GAS STATION DOWN THE STREET FROM MY HO-" He grabbed my face and put his hand around my mouth, "SHHH.. We have to be quiet, we can't be seen. Yes it is night time, but we can't risk it." I nodded, with a sigh he moved his hands away from me. I grabbed his hand and jumped down the gas station building, he softened the landing for both of us by using his wings before putting them back away. Taking Lucifer through a back way and short cut to my house, we reached it but hid when we saw a bunch of cop cars in front. Silently climbing up my house from the backyard, we reached a window that led into my attic and cracked it open having both of us fall inside. "owwww.. couldn't you teleported both of us inside?" I snapped a glare at him. He shrugged dusting himself off then me pulling me to my feet. Before saying something else I heard my parents voice and instantly rushed to where the attic door was with Lucifer following behind.

I cracked open the door top a little and see them and listen. My mom was sitting at the end of the steps crying while my dad was talking to the police holding back tears. My heart sank instantly until I felt a hand on my back, I looked at Lucifer holding back sharp tears. He smiled at me and I went back to watch the scene in front of me. "Who the hell would murder MY DAUGHTER, SHE WAS NICE TO EVERYONE?!" My dad raised his voice. They must have gotten a call from the police station and was informed, that's why they are home instead of on vacation. "We need you to calm down sir, we are sorry for your loss and we are looking more into this case." The lady officer stated. I stared around the room and noticed my friends were in there. Lina was crying into Genies arms, she was trying her hardest to comfort her since she knew Lina knew me the longest but she was also crying herself. Trixx was acting off though. She was on her phone not even paying attention to the whole situation.

Genie: "Trixx, why the hell are you on your phone" She said glaring at her crying making Lina catch attention to what Trixx was doing.

Trixx: "Maybe because I can? I'm not gonna sit around and join the crying party. I'm just here for support" She leaned more into the couch.

Lina: "How could you say that?! She was our friend, and she was murdered!" She said jolting up getting into Trixxs face

Trixx: She shrugged, "okay, seems like I'm making everything worse. I'll just take my leave, call me if you need me." With that last sentence that left Lina stunned and even more shattered, me stunned, and Genie furious, Trixx took her exit and left through the front door.

"What the actual fuck Trixx.. Why does she not even care about me and getting murdered.. why was she treating Genie and Lina like that.. Why-" All the memories of me and Trixx together started shattering after hearing what she had to say. Lucifer side hugged me, "It's gonna be ok.. We have to leave soon" I started tuning everyone and everything out heartbroken. I was confused, sad, angered, everything. "The only evidence so far that we have from your daughters murder scene is this glass case but no glasses inside." I examined the case trying to remember where I have seen that same case before. During my thought train, Lucifer pulled me back gently shutting the attic door. "Come on Y/N... Times up.." He snapped his fingers opening a portal escorting me and him inside.

We walked out of the portal into my room at Lucifers mansion. Still stunned from everything and trying to use my brain, I held my head and sat down on my bed. "That glass case looked so familiar.. where have I seen it before." I started playing with my hair again with my head down trying to remember. Lucifer sat next to me on my bed and swung his arm around my shoulders to hold me. 

He didn't know what to say or do, but its certain that especially in this moment, he did not want to leave y/n in this state and just wants her ok.

I started crying silently from frustration, "I ruined my parents vacation, I broke their hearts... Lina and Genie are crying for me... and that fucking fake bitch Trixx.. why is she acting like that.." Tears dropped from my face to my pants. "Maybe she doesn't like to show emotions? Like crying or ya know, anything like that?" He tried to change my way of how I see the situation, not working at all because I know her. "No, there are many times she came crying to me, Genie, and Lina about so much. This stunt she just did is new.." I looked up at him. He put his hand on my face wiping a tear falling down on my cheek with his thumb, "well you know her better then I do, dear.." He usually shines a smile at me, even a small one... but there was no smile appearing on his face, just a small frown. I stood up and started pacing, "But that glass case is really getting to me, I know I have seen it before... BUT WHERE?!" I started messing with my hair trying to think. "Maybe eating dinner would help, you haven't eaten you know.... so maybe being on a full stomach will help you think?" There's that small smile. I groaned and jumped onto the bed laying on my stomach and my face into a pillow, " I'm not hungry. " I muffled through the pillow taking off my shoes with my feet kicking them off. I held my pillow listening to nothing except only hearing Lucifer's light breathing. He sighed and took off his shoes. Positioning my body up to see what he was doing, he laid on the bed closer to me looking up at the red laced canopy hanging. 

"Well if you ever get hungry tonight just let me know, I'll alert the staff right away". He shifted his head to look at me smiling. I stared at him in silence and tears started slowly filling my eyes again so I shoved my head into the pillow. He scooted once again to get closer to me and put his arm around me, "It will be ok, everything will be ok... you will be ok" In comforting tone he hummed to me. After a few minutes I realized how much I cried and how much I drained me, I wiped my eyes and silently yawned. Within keep silence I fell asleep.

Lucifers POV:

Its to silent, I looked over noticing she fell asleep. "This day really drained her.." I thought to myself staring back up at the red canopy silk hanging from above us. I checked the time and decided to text Charlie.

Lucifer: Hey Char Char, hope tonight's party at your little hotel was a success. I stopped by to check it out after some errands but the visit got caught shortly due to an emergency. You really out done yourself. (duck emoji) (Red heart emoji)

Goodnight :)

I sighed putting my phone down on Y/ns small table next to her bed. Noticing the weight shifting in the bed I looked over and noticed she was closer but laying on her side the other direction. I just smiled and sat up a little bit to move the hair out of her face. "She looks okay now.. more at peace.." I thought to myself with a small smile. I laid back and just stayed laying on my back awake for awhile just in case she wakes up and needs me.

After some time, I finally let out a yawn and blinked slowly a few times before my slumber finally won the fight. I rolled over onto my side and looked at Y/n lazily for one last check up before finally falling into a deep sleep mode. Little did I know I would wake up to something unexpected?


And that's a wrap for tonight's chapter, I'll start chapter 11 tonight and finish tomorrow and hopefully upload it if I remember for Valentines day. hope you guys liked it! See you next time <3 :) 

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