Chapter 17

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((I wanted to let you guys know my reasoning on late uploads. Due to some personal issues and mental health I've been focusing more on my school and myself. Now spring break is around the corner I'm back and will be uploading a little more and better timing! Anyways enjoy!))

Recap on chapter 16...

He pulled off with a smirk on his lips, "what?" I was Confused as hell. Lucifer chuckled slightly and snapped his fingers to make us appear in my room. Pushing me down on my bed and getting on top of me only to kiss me more. I noted down in my brain that Lucifer is a VERY touchy person when it comes to this. After awhile, the making out stopped due to use catching our breaths while staring at eachother. He smiled and kissed me gently, "I've always wanted to do this with you ever since I met you..." He then cuddles me, holding me close. When we were making out I unbuttoned his long sleeve since it was getting heated before he pinned my hands down beside my head. I gently caressed his chest with a smile, "I'm glad Luci.."

And with that, we fell asleep from being drained from tonight's event, but we were happy.

I was happy.

But now come to think of it...

Lucifer, what are we?


I woke up still cuddling to Lucifer's side while he was still sleeping, he looked peaceful. I moved some hair out of his face and just kept admiring him, he was more handsome up close. Kit Kat was at the edge of our feet sleeping also. I looked at the time on my phone which was charging beside me by angling my arm in a weird way, grabbing it and turning it on. I usually wake up 2 hours before this, why did I sleep in? Was it because I was comfortable, did I sleep better than usual? It was currently 11 am and breakfast has already been served, I guess actually it hasn't and Lucifer just commands the times each day by the time he awakens. I rubbed my eye, I'm still tired and my body was sore from dancing all night and walking in heels with Lucifer. I put my phone down and looked back up at Lucifer just smiling still in awe. He pulled me in more closely and rested his face onto the top on my head. Blushing a little, I yawned silently and fell back asleep.

42 minutes later I awoken again due to Lucifer shifting upwards waking up, rubbing his eyes. I yawned and turned onto my other side hugging my other pillow closely, is the red wine for last night making me this tired or something? My body does feel better. I felt a hand rest on my arm , gently caressing it up and down. "Y/n.. wake up we need to go eat something it's already lunch" he hummed softly close to my ear. I groaned lightly, "do I have to get up?..." he chuckled tiredly, "mhmmmm, please darling?" From that small love name he gave me, I couldn't help but smile and didn't even hide it. I sat up fixing my hair looking at him with a soft look in my eyes. "Good morning ~" He hummed again pushing a strand behind my ear. "Good morning, Luci" I hummed back still smiling. The cat shifted in her sleep due to the talking noise catching our attention, but didn't fully wake up. We chuckled together silently while getting up out of bed, he landed me his hand so I didn't lose my balance. Taking it, I quietly got off the bed and stretched out my body. "Very much needed that" I whispered as he laughed to respond. He snapped his fingers and a new set of clothes appeared on both of us. "Being king of hell has perks" I was currently wearing a black tight gown that stopped passed my knees and my hair in a bun as he wore his usual white suit. Nodding in approval on what he chose for me, we made our way to the dining room.

Entering the room, I took notice that everyone from the Hazbin Hotel was in there eating lunch. I took a seat next to Charlie and Angel, "you guys still here?" I questioned while I was passed a sandwhich. "Mhm! We danced our hearts out so much we stayed over night in different rooms since there's many!" She smiled at me as Angel nodded. I took a bite out of the sandwhich, surprisingly it was good. "Yeh but boss didn't stay, he had 'errands' to do and left. He's probably at the hotel by now" husk growled while taking a chug of the booze he bought. I hummed and nodded in response while eating my food. Lucifer and Charlie were chit chatting, Angel was making flirtatious comments towards a grumpy husk, Nifty was fighting a random bug she found, vaggie and me were the only ones quiet enjoying our food but she would look at her girlfriend time to time with a smile. Sometimes to bud in the conversation of her girlfriend and her father with small comments or curse in Spanish to Angel for out of pocket sentences being said.

After Lunch, our friends headed back to the Hazbin hotel while Lucifer left to also run errands. I entered the library and decided to read a romance book to by past time for myself. While reading, I paused due to deep thought. "What are we..." i questioned that from the first time we shared a bed together, maybe just close friends to keep it professional, but something reeks me to know the truth. I decided to close my book and scroll through the memories made at the ball. Many times Angel took my phone to take pictures of everyone and everything, the photo and video that caught my eye was me and Lucifer dancing together. I couldn't help but break into a smile, we were both smiling holding onto eachother while looking directly at both of our eyes. I watched the video of where he spun and dipped me, during the video I caught some more glimpses when Lucifer flashed me a blushed smile and looking at me...i guess softly? In all honesty it was cute, but maybe that's how he treats every girl he dances with, but I didn't see him really dancing with Anyone else except me and Charlie that night. I went to the very top of my gallery into my human alive life photos and videos were held, scrolling and clicking ones with all family and friends. I did truly miss them, the laughable moments, the hard times, and cozy memories.

After awhile of looking at my pictures, I noticed something weird. When Lina got her new glasses, the case that was shown in the picture of her holding me with it in her hand was found at the crime scene.... But it couldn't be her.. right? She reacted such in a bad way when my death was announced, if anything and if anyone was the murder there it would have been Trixx. But this isn't adding up, I know Lina. She wouldn't do that.. right?

Giving myself a small reality check on my past, Lucifer bursted through the library doors, "Y/n~ I'm home!" He sung loudly puffing out his chest and his hands on his hips with a prideful smile on his face. While walking over to me he was ranting about his day, "And oh my dear, the ball went amazingly. It's the news talk of hell everywhere!" He hummed until he caught my off expression when I tried hiding it. "What's wrong?" He leaned against the chair putting his arm around the top edge to hover over me a bit. "Nothing... just.. tired" I flashed a small smile and closed my phone. "What are you hiding? I know your lying, dear" he hummed softly reaching my eye level by bending down. I was silent for a short few minutes looking at him until I showed him the picture, "these are the same glasses case that was found at my crime scene from my death, Lucifer. Remember Lina? The one who was going mentally bonkers at my house? Ya." My voice cracked because I didn't wanna believe it, me and her have always been close. "Maybe it's just a coincidence? If you want since I am The King of Hell, I can look into it. But if anything is found, there's not much we can do still due to being in the after life, you being dead, you get what I'm saying?" He held my face caressing my face cheek. I nodded, "I just want to know the truth." I put my hand on his that held my face and squeezed it. He flashed me a soft warm smile, "of course. I'll start tomorrow since it's my free day" he kissed my hand and helped me to my feet. "In the time now since I'm home.. let's spend time together, ya? How does that sound?" I chuckled lightly putting my phone in my pocket, "that sounds lovely, Lucí"

My mind was everywhere the whole time me and Lucifer hung out, the murder scene and him in general. I don't know how he feels but I don't wanna assume, I also don't wanna assume Lina has something to do with my death.

Why is this all so frustrating and confusing..

I need a sign


Just let me be at peace for now and forever..


And ya there yall go the next chapter LOLLL, SPRING BREAK HAS OFFICIALLY STARTED HELL YA!

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