Chapter 8

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Recap from chapter 7...

I made my way to my room and instantly changed into something more comfortable to sleep in and placed the jewelry Lucifer gifted me into the same box then placed it next to my bed on the desk. I laid down on the bed while the cat cuddled up to my side. Scrolling through hell media for almost 30 minutes, Lucifer sent me the picture he took of us earlier. I stared at it happily then put a heart onto the message before cuddling under my covers with the cat and falling asleep.

Wonder whats gonna come my way in hell tomorrow...


I woke up to a knock on my door. I groaned throwing the covers over my body to hide my face, "come innn". I yawned closing my eyes before I felt a dip on the side of my bed pulling my body a little down due to the weight impact. "Good morning y/nnn, come on get up I made plans for us today" He hummed smiling while shaking my hip gently. "It's to early" I mumbled but still loud enough for him to hear. "No hun, it's currently 9 am you missed breakfast. I brought some for you" He chuckled. I sat up still covering my body and grabbed my phone to check the time, "damn it really is 9 am" I sighed. "Well now 9:03 to be exact" He said still smiling at me.

I rolled my eyes, "mhm ya, anyways what are your plans?" covering my body more with covers, even though its hell this room is cold, really cold in the morning. "well I have one idea but more will come to mind throughout the day, but I want us to play a game in the library so meet me in there in exactly 45 minutes." He still kept smiling. I nodded in response and he took his leave. I groaned when I saw the red lighting from outside hit my face, still to early in my opinion. I got up finally from my bed and decided to run a cold shower to wake me up.

Time Skip

After taking my shower and drying my hair, I chose to just wear black jeans and a black tank top with a laced cardigan over it. Putting my hair up in a bun I grabbed my phone and left my room heading to the library. As soon as I took my entry into the library I noticed Lucifer shuffling cards in his hand and doing random card tricks to impress the air. I chuckled silently and took my seat across from him. "Hello y/n, nice to see you!" He smiled before dropping the cards everywhere. I bent down to help pick them up, "You told me to meet you here in exactly 45 minutes, I'm only a minute late doofus" I handed the cards to him. "wanna see a trick?" He waved his hands around, "sure why not, surprise me" I rested my head on my hand. He was shuffling the cards and used his power to make them float, after the cards did their little dance in the air, they darted to Lucifers hands and turned into uno cards, "Tada, now uno cards!" He bowed. I clapped and smiled, "That was cool, now in conclusion im guessing we are playing uno?" He nodded and started placing the cards on the table, this will be chaotic.

After many rounds of Uno of winning and losing, it was getting more heated. Well mostly on Lucifers side because we were tied. "You're cheating" He glared up at me from my cards, "Psh nu uh" I laughed. After the final round I of course won he didn't wanna play uno anymore. "That game was dumb anyways" He rolled his eyes. "Ya sure buddy" I laughed, "So whats next that you have planned for our day?" I smiled tilting my head giving him straight eye contact. He stared at me for a hot second then coughed turning his head with a light pink tint on his cheeks, "How about I show you the ballroom, I don't think I have shown you that yet" Getting up grabbing his apple can. "Oh now that sounds exciting" I followed his lead by getting up.

We both took our leave of the library and went to the big elegant ballroom. Let me just say, IT WAS MASSIVE. "oh wow.. this is big.. and so.. beautiful" I said in adoration looking around this big room. He laughed, "I had the greatest parties and balls here, its been awhile since Hell had one." He walked towards the middle of the ballroom just remembering fun memories he had in the past. I followed him like a lost cat, "Why not throw one soon? Bring more life into this room and give it more memories" My words made him go into deep thinking and I noticed a small smile from him. "That sounds good, I really should. Maybe I can host one 1 week from now and invite the higher ranks of hell like the good ol times" I nodded in response. "Wanna see something else cool?" He cracked his knuckles and rolled up his sleeves looking at me. Tell me why I thought this guy was gonna do a cartwheel after I said yes.

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