Chapter 7

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recap from chapter 6..

He took a deep breath in then let out a sigh, "This random Tv demon, his name is Vox and he is a overlord just like Alastor, Char Chars friend, the red smiling demon. He is the worst, don't listen to him he just does this to start fights and to get more viewers." He side hugged me, "nothing is going to happen so don't worry about nothing" I nodded at his response. "Now that this rambling session is over, go clean up because dinner is in a hour and everyone will be here soon" He smiled. I sighed the got up, "Can the cat stay here with us? I think it would be cool to have more company.." I fiddled with my fingers. He chuckled holding the cat up for me to grab it. Taking the little cat into my arms Lucifer got up, "Of course it can I was loving all over it while you were having a little worried moment. Ill tell my servants to get some cat equipment we will need to take care of it and give it something to eat." He rubbed that cats head. I smiled at him then hugged him tight thanking him then went straight to my room to get ready.

I placed the cat on the floor of my bathroom and decided to start getting ready there and then for dinner so I wouldn't be late. "Hopefully this Tv demon rumors blow over sooner then I'm thinking.."


Before taking a warm shower I checked my phone due to it going off, a call from Lucifer. I picked it and answered in confusion


"Hey Y/n sorry for calling but I thought it would be easier to call then text you to dress nicely and formal instead so you wouldn't see it to late. I apologize if I interrupted anything!" I 

I could practically hear him say all that with a smile on his face. "Okay noted Ill remember to dress nicely." I said chuckling a little.

"Ok, great, amazing, super good.. BYEEE!" he hung up.

I stared at my phone dumbfounded the started laughing, he is always so random. I put on a random playlist to listen to while taking a shower.

Time skip

After taking a shower, I did a small amount of makeup on my face and had my hair in a half up and down. I tightly wrapped the black silk ribbon around my robe and walked over to my closet, on my way to the closet I noticed the cat sleeping on the very edge of my bed, SO CUTE. I opened my closet and went through all the clothes in it. A few minutes later I found a beautiful black dress that was long with a slit going up on the right thigh, it was off the shoulders with very thin laced sleeves. It looked so lovely. I found a pair of black heels to match with it. I carefully placed the dress in shoes on my counter and headed back to put on lotion. Before exiting the bathroom I sprayed a perfume to make me smell like french vanilla bean. Now heading back to my counter I slipped on the dress and put on the heels. I looked in the long mirror next to my closet admiring myself, the dress hugs my waist nicely and tightly to show off my curves. I pulled up the dress top a little so my chest wasn't fully exposed, I was in awe when doing a 360 slow spin looking in the mirror. 

A rythmed knock was heard at my door, I snapped my head at the door instantly knowing who it was.  "Come in!" I hummed. Lucifer stepped in while looking at his phone and his cane in the other, "They should be here in less then 5 min-" He looked at me stunned. Awkward silence was appearing in the room. "Is this dress ok to where..?" I said shyly looking at the ground fiddling with my fingers, the cat awoken and instantly jumped off the bed to rub against my side leg. "I--.. ya of course..." He was still staring wide eye at me. "Are you sure? You don't seem sure, I can change if you want" I said looking at him. "No No!" He walked over to me in a rush like he was about to do a soccer mom walk with lady friends in a park. "The dress looks gorgeous on you, I was just admiring! It truly is beautiful on you!" He said spinning me to look at myself in the mirror, he stood beside me holding my shoulder. "Look at this piece of art!" He said smirking. He opened up his camera and posed in the mirror like he was showing off a trophy snapping a picture with me shyly smiling. "Im keeping this picture." I sighed and nodded.

He looked at me up and down, "I know what exactly would fit right with this!" With a snap of his fingers a red velvet box appeared in his hand gesturing for me to take it. Being a little hesitant, I took the box opening slowly with my eyes widening and my pupils shining. A pair of diamond hanging earrings and a necklace to match, "Lucifer.. this is beautiful.. are you sure?" I said turning my head to him. He nodded, grabbing the necklace out of the box. "May I?" he smiled. I responded with a nod, "you may". I lifted my hair up behind my back as he put the necklace on me. When he finished, I put the earrings on, he was right it made the outfit full and better. I was again in awe staring at the mirror. "Told you sooo" he hummed.

After complimenting me over and over we heard the doorbell ring, "Ah yes, finally a feast with everyone!" he smiled holding out his arm for me to hold onto. I took it and we made our way to the dining hall where the servants sat down everyone after letting them in. "Char Char!" Lucifer yelled running over to his daughter giving her a big bear hug. I laughed taking my seat next to Alastor since there was an open seat. Everyone complimented me while Lucifer took his seat at the end of the table near charlie and me since she was right across from me. Servants entered the dining hall with many plates and food portions of many choices, it all smelled amazing. 

After some moments past, everyone was eating while having conversations. I sat quietly minding my own business while eating since these people are still new to me before my silence was interrupted by Charlie.

"So how do you like hell so far? And how is staying here with my dad?" She smiled trying to start a conversation with me. "Well hell is for sure interesting, but staying with you dad is nice. It's really lovely here!" I smiled then sipped my red wine. She beamed a nice innocent smile at me. "Our little new comer already is gaining a new reputation in hell from what I heard." Alastor remarked side eyeing me with a smile as I gulped. He definitively knows. "Ya ya but Vox is a bastard who uses anything and everything to get views" Lucifer stated glaring at the red smiling demon. "Oh ho ho! Something we finally agree on apple man!" I kept my head down. "Don't worry about Vox, Y/n. He really needs to be humbled." Vaggie reassured me. I nodded like usual to respond and took another sip of my red wine. 

Husk laughed the chocked on his cheap booze, "Ya he really is the worst" He bluntly said. Everyone in the room laughed and continued eating. I observed everyone at the table, everyone was in conversation laughing and just smiling before Lucifer snapped me out of my thought train. "You enjoying yourself?" He smiled. "Yes, this is nice." I smiled back. After sometime, the platters were removed and the table was cleaned off before new sets of desserts were set onto the table. Everyone but Alastor devored the desserts. Angel dust laid back in his chair, "Man I'm so full... haha full, cha' people get it because today-" "No one wants to hear that, spider" Alastor stopped Angel from saying something sexual which was actually funny. Angel shot Alastor a glare before huffing and turning away like a child. "Well this was nice everyone and dad but we should get going, I got some plans for the hotel tomorrow!" Charlie sat up from her seat. 

Everyone else followed her lead to leave, before Charlie left the estate she hugged her dad and me then left in a fancy limo with her friends. Me and Lucifer waved at everyone while the drove off. "Tonight was great, don't you agree?" He asked me. "I highly agree with you" I smiled fixing my hair. We both headed back inside. "Have you thought of a name of the cat, and if you did't know its a girl." He chuckled. I thought to myself, "Nope but when I think of a name you will be first to know." I responded. "Great, well its time to hit the bed so I'll see you in the morning y/n" He took my hand and kissed the knuckle of it. Maybe the wine got to him I thought to myself before laughing a little. "good night apple man" I said walking up the stairs turning to him half way up and smiling at him. "And to you too lady living in apple mans house, goodnight." He said pulling down his hat to cover his face. 

I made my way to my room and instantly changed into something more comfortable to sleep in and placed the jewelry Lucifer gifted me into the same box then placed it next to my bed on the desk. I laid down on the bed while the cat cuddled up to my side. Scrolling through hell media for almost 30 minutes, Lucifer sent me the picture he took of us earlier. I stared at it happily then put a heart onto the message before cuddling under my covers with the cat and falling asleep.

Wonder whats gonna come my way in hell tomorrow...


New chapters will probably be out tomorrow or during this week! Hope you liked dinner with Lucifer, Charlie, and her friends! Stay tuned for more and comment if you have suggestions and what you would like to see in upcoming chapters. Have a great night lovelies. Ill probably start working on half of the next chapter later tonight due to my messed up sleep schedule, maybe I might upload it later tonight or tomorrow who knows? BYEEE MWAH

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