Chapter 9

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Recap from chapter 8...

After dinner I was laying in bed in a tight black nightgown petting the cat while listening to music. The memory from the tango earlier of the neck grab dip made me turn red instantly and I was smiling like a maniac, "That was soooo UGhhhhh" I pushed my head into my pillow. I went under the covers cuddling my pillow just thinking about the dances with Lucifer smiling. Soon after I fell into a great slumber with the dreams and memories from today following behind.


Waking up bright in early in hell, I sat up stretching out my arms noticing the cat cuddling with my leg. "Awwww kitty.. You really need a name, how about...Luna?... Nah to basic.." I sat in a comfortable position thinking of names for the cat. "Oh! How about Kit Kat! Ya I like that." High fiving my hand while Kit Kat starts to purr hearing her new name. I grabbed my phone and saw a unread message from Lucifer almost an hour ago, whoops!

Lucifer: Hey Good morning Y/n, Just wanted to let you know I won't be attending breakfast today because I have some errands to run for a few hours so at the same time as breakfast is supposed to be, it will be brought to you by one of the servers! If you need me, you already know what to do. Ill be back soon

Checking the time, breakfast should be here within an hour and a few minutes, shrugging I decided to get up since I actually got great rest last night somehow, I waltzed to the bathroom to start the shower. While the shower was running, I walked to the closet setting out todays clothes and brushed my teeth when I went back to the bathroom.

Time Skip

Drying my hair in a new set of clean clothing, a 3 rythmed knock came from my bedroom door. "Come in!" casually walking out the bathroom while two of Lucifers workers walked in to set my breakfast on my desk facing the big window with a good view of hell. "Good morning Y/n, how did you sleep?" The gentleman worker asked folding a napkin next to my food. "I slept good thank you" The other servant was smiling at me, they must enjoy working for Lucifer, I mean he is a fun guy to be honest. I smiled at both of them before they took their leave. Sitting down in my comfy chair at my desk I realized they brought cat food and water for Kit Kat. Whistling grabbing Kit Kats attention, she jumped down from my bed meowing then started devoring her food. 

"Why did the pancakes taste so good today? They taste like a mother made them or grandma with extra love?" Stuck in my thoughts while stuffing my face. After eating that gift from heaven food, I got bored instantly. I pulled up my phone ready to contact Charlie asking to hangout until a new post on my feed notifying me that she posted a picture inviting demons for a small party at the Hazbin hotel. "Shit I'll pull up, I don't even need to change because its nothing fancy." Texting Lucifer letting him know my soon to be new location, I grabbed Kit Kat and asked one of the servants down the hall from my room to call a cab. 

I stepped out of the estate with a limo waiting for me, "I asked for a cab though?" Tilting my head at the driver from his window questioning him. "Since you are staying with Lucifer and seem pretty important to him, he would kill us, KILL ME, if I let you take a dirty smelling cab, so hop it" Approving his understandable response, the servant who followed me outside opened the limo door escorting me in it and Kit Kat, closing the door beside us we took our leave to the Hazbin Hotel.

Time Skip

Stepping out of the limo from the hotel, I thanked the driver and walked over to the main doors with Kit Kat beside me. Charlie opened the doors greeting me, "Hey Y/N! What brings you to the hotel?" She beamed a smile at me, she is so nice I love that about her. "I saw your post about a small party your hosting here to show off the hotel to get more guests, thought I'd come and help out with anything since I have nothing to do" Charlie shining with my response she hugged me tightly, "Great oh my god I actually do need a little help! Hey Al, come over here please!" Calling him over while side hugging me. From the shadows underneath he appeared, "What can I do for you, princess?" Still with that stuck on smile on his face. "Can you escort Y/N to the kitchen so she can bring out dishes for the other demons and show her where they go?" He hummed thinking loudly, obviously for shit and giggles. "Of course, follow me my dear" Walking away to the kitchen. Charlie let go of me throwing a thumbs up my way and took her leave, I walked towards Alastor so I wouldn't lose him.

Holding open the door for me, I made my way into the kitchen. "The plates of food are right there lined up on the counter then the big table in front of the bar is where you will place them, please make sure they are organized." Looking down at me with a big smile, from my perspective it was like he was staring straight into my soul. I nodded and started collecting some of the big platters with food and bringing them out to the table.

After many platters, plates, and utensils, I leaned against the bar with a huff. "Heh, Need a shot from all of that?" Husk asked behind me with a bottle of cheap booze in his long clawed paws. "Mmm, sure ya, not strong though." Turning my body directly at him leaning on the bar counter while he quickly poured the alcohol into a shot glass sliding it closer to me. Taking the shot fast, I clicked it back onto the counter, "thats good!" Shooting a smile at husk while he cleaned out my shot glass. He nodded with a small smile in response and went back to whatever he was doing before I interrupted his busy drinking self by accident. Minutes later demons started filling up the hotel for the party, or probably for the free food. I took a seat on the ripped red couch in the supposed to be therapy room in the main room watching everyone deep into conversations smiling and laughing. I noticed Alastor and Charlie were talking to demons who look like the real deal, maybe trying to get more help on the hotel. Well Charlie was doing most of the talking, Alastor just stood there nodding and smiling making comments here and there. 

Pulling out my phone, I took a picture from the whole party thing in front of me and sent it to Lucifer to let him know how everything is going so far. Hoping he can tell by me just sending a picture of many demons chit chatting in the hotel. Kit Kat jumped up on my lap curling herself up. I took another picture of her and sent it to Lucifer. After sending the picture Vaggie plopped down next to me sighing. "You look tired, let me guess.. Social battery is low?" She lazily put a thumbs up then closer her eyes leaning her head back. Nodding in relating to that in some moments, more like a lot of moments in my life, I turned my head towards the crowd again. Speaking of life, "I wonder how my friends and parents are doing on earth right now." I thought to myself. I scrolled through my gallery on my phone of pictures and videos of myself with everyone when I was alive.

I sighed getting emotional from all of these memories, moving Kit Kat off my lap and went outside the hotel to get some fresh air. I sat down next to bushes sniffling and wiping my eyes, "I miss them so much..." I cradled myself up into my knees crying silently knowing I won't get to see them again. "Y/n, dear? What's wrong, why are you crying?" Noticing the voice, I picked up my head looking directly at Lucifer on his knees to be at my level looking worried. "Did someone say something bad to you? Did anyone hurt you? If they did just point out who and I swear I'll-" "no none of that" cutting him off making him confused, he scooted to my side and sat next to me leaning against the wall. After a few minutes of silence I decided to speak up, "I just miss my friends and my parents.. I just hope they are ok.." Fiddling with my hair. He took my hand and held it tightly, "it will be ok, y/n. I'm sure they are fine..." He put on a little smile to reassure me. Putting my head back down, he let go of my hand. "If you even did see them again it wouldn't be for long" He said closing his eyes. Picking up my head darting my eyes at him in confusion, "what do you mean?" Wiping off a few more tears. "Well.. I can help you get back onto earth but only for like 10 minutes tops.. you aren't allowed to talk to them or even be in sight. That just breaks the rules..." He looked at me noticing I stopped crying from hearing this information, he smiled. "You want to do that?" He chuckled lightly. Nodding quickly respond, he got up and helped me get up and dusted any dust and dirt on me. Leading me into the limo, we both made our way back to his mansion.

Time Skip

"Can this spell be done in the library?" I questioned watching him set up everything. "Yes, I think I know what I'm doing" He laughed taking off his hat and jacket. "Now I'll be with you the whole 10 minutes on earth, remember you can't, CAN NOT, communicate or associate with anyone alive. I'm not even supposed to do this but it's a good deed for you, hopefully also will make you feel better." crossing his arms standing in front of me. "Yes sir" I put my arms up to salute in a army position which caused us to both break into a laughter fit after a few seconds. "Okay lets do this!" He cracked his knuckles and made a golden sizzle portal appear in front of both of us. "Ladies first" He sang. I smiled and leaped through the portal with Lucifer following shortly behind me. 


Ill make chapter 10 tonight and post it as a happy valentines day gift for you guys, hope you all enjoyed your moments at the Hazbin Hotel! Cya next chapter <3

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