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The trash fell to the ground.

Taehyung's mouth was agape as he looked at the scene before him. He didn't know what he was looking at, but he was smart enough to know that he just saw something he wasn't supposed to.

All eyes turned to the sudden intruder. Six pairs of angry eyes glared him down, one pleading for help. Help that Taehyung couldn't give.

Before were six men and their victim, the nicely dressed man beaten to a pulp in the otherwise empty alley. The alley with a dumpster - the only reason Taehyung was out there to begin with!

Taehyung wanted to turn around and pretend like he hadn't seen anything, but before he had the chance to even do so he heard a voice shout "Grab him!" Someone precisely hit him on the neck and jaw, effectively knocking him out.


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