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Taehyung struggled to keep up with Hoseok as the older dragged him down the hallway. When they got in front of Taehyung's door, Hoseok turned to face Taehyung, sighing. "I'm sorry that I suggested we all kill you," he apologized.

The way he said it made it sound like this was the first and only time he's ever had to apologize to someone. "And I'm sorry that I stabbed the table... right in front of you." he looked disappointed in himself when he said that.

Taehyung was taken aback by the sudden apology. "Oh.. it's okay," he said quietly. Admittedly, he was the most intimidated by Hoseok, especially considering how the male almost always had a knife on him. 

Hoseok's face lit up when Taehyung said that. His smile made him no longer seem so scary and intimidating. "Great!" he opened Taehyung's door and led the man inside. "Good night, tiger. See you in the morning."

Now that he was finally alone, Taehyung sat on his bed and sighed. There was never a dull moment here with the six boys, and part of him feared that this would be the rest of his life. He felt himself begin to develop Stockholm syndrome as he reminded himself that things could be worse. He's heard horror stories about young men and women being kidnapped by gangs only to be raped and beaten to death.

He didn't know why the six men had been treating him so well.

Taehyung let himself fall asleep on the comfortable king-sized bed, feeling relaxed for the first time since he's been in this house.

He awoke the next morning to the sound of someone knocking on his bedroom door. Despite his current situation, that was the deepest sleep he's had in years. He needed to find out what type of mattress this was so he could buy one for his apartment. 

The knocking on his door continued. "Master Taehyung, I'm opening the door now." A muffled voice said before a maid walked into the room. Taehyung sat up in bed at the sudden intrusion, adjusting his appearance to make it look like he didn't wake up. 

The maid paid him no mind, pushing a cart into the room. "You slept through breakfast. Master Namjoon has requested I bring you your meal." The maid explained. "Please enjoy." she bowed at Taehyung before leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

Taehyung found it odd that the staff weren't treating him like a prisoner. Even he's starting to not feel like one.

He wasn't hungry at the moment, so he decided to spend his morning exploring his bedroom. The first thing he realized was that he had an en-suite, it made him wonder why he couldn't have just showered here last night. It would have saved him from the trouble of getting lost. 

There were no clothes in his dresser or closet, which makes sense why he was wearing Jimin's hoodie. In his nightstand, he found a blank notepad and some pens. In order to cure his boredom he decided to take the notepad and sit in the armchair facing the large window. He currently had a beautiful view of the mansion's garden.

Taehyung decided to draw the view from his room. Despite the process of getting here (witnessing a crime, being kidnapped, threatened, etc.) he was grateful for the time he had to draw. It was a hobby of his that he had to let go of the more busy he got with school and work.

A knock sounded at the door an hour or so later. "Come in!" Taehyung called, assuming it was another one of the maids. Instead of it being a maid, Taehyung heard heavy footsteps and someone clearing their throat. He turned around and saw Seokjin, looking at Taehyung with his arms crossed.

"Is there a reason you didn't eat your breakfast?" Seokjin asked.

Taehyung pursed his lips. "I wasn't too hungry when I woke up," he explained, looking at the ground instead of Seokjin.

Seokjin looked at Taehyung's rejected breakfast, frowning as the food was now cold and unideal. He sighed, "Follow me." he instructed the younger.

Taehyung put the notepad to the side, quickly getting up and following Seokjin out of the room. 

Seokjin had led Taehyung to the kitchen. "Sit." he told Taehyung, motioning towards the kitchen island. Taehyung obeyed. Seokjin took out his suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt.

Taehyung watched in awe as Seokjin took ingredients out of the refrigerator. He assumed that the maids did all of the cooking for the boys but he started to question that as he watched how confidently Seokjin moved around the kitchen. 

"Any allergies, food preferences, I should know about?" Seokjin asked as he began prepping vegetables. Taehyung shook his head. "Words, princess." Seokjin chastised him. 

Taehyung blushed at the name. "N-No allergies," he said, eyeing the vegetables on the cutting board. "But I don't like cucumbers." Seokjin put the cucumber back in the fridge.

They sat in comfortable silence as Seokjin masterfully moved around the kitchen. When he was finished he presented Taehyung with a beautifully cooked omlette. When Taehyung took his first bite he all but moaned at the taste. Seokjin smiled, pleased with his work, as he leaned over the counter and watched Taehyung eat.

Taehyung blushed at the realization of the sound he just made. "I-I'm so sorry," he said, covering his mouth.

Seokjin smiled and shook his head. "Don't apologize. I'm just glad I can get you to make those noises." Now Taehyung was blushing like mad.

Meanwhile, Jeongguk was wandering around the house, looking for Seokjin. He wanted to let the oldest know that Taehyung wasn't in his room. But when he looked in the kitchen and saw Taehyung smiling and blushing at whatever Seokjin was saying, he felt an unreasonable pang of jealousy build up in his gut. 

What was Taehyung doing to them?


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