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When Taehyung woke up the next morning he was confused to find himself in a different room. Although, the confusion disappeared when he remembered his intoxicated encounter with Yoongi the previous night.

All of the blood in Taehyungs body rushed to his face when he recalled how he acted, particularly how he insisted he sleep in Yoongi's room. Speaking of Yoongi, the older male was gone. His side of the bed was already perfectly made, meaning that one of the maids had already come in and discovered Taehyung asleep in the male's bed. God, he could only imagine what they must have been thinking.

Although Yoongi was gone, Taehyung noticed the glass of water and painkillers left on the bedside. He immediately took the painkillers and greedily drank down the water in one gulp. Taehyung had never been good with alcohol which is why he's surprised that he even let himself drink that much last night.

There had been a light knock on the door before Namjoon had stepped in the room. "Wake up Taehyung, it's past ten," he said with a disappointed sigh upon realizing Taehyung was still in bed. Taehyung immediately noticed how dressed down the male was compared to ever other time he'd seen him. Instead of his usual full suit, Namjoon was in a simple button-up shirt and trousers.

Taehyung felt embarrassed as he followed Namjoon out of Yoongi's room. He knew that he didn't do anything with the older but it still felt like a walk of shame. If Namjoon was thinking the same he didn't voice it. "You'll be spending the day with me in my office as the others are out for the day." Namjoon had explained.

Since Taehyung hadn't been in any of the home offices before he didn't know what to expect, but for a man so invested in illegal business, Taehyung found Namjoon's office to be quite boring. It made him look like a boring businessman.

"Pick any of the books to keep yourself entertained, try not to disturb my work," Namjoon said, referring to the fully stocked bookshelves, before sitting in front of his computer.

Taehyung decided on a random book, knowing well that he won't be able to focus. About twenty pages in and there was a knock on the door before Namjoon gave permission to entry. A maid walked in pushing a small cart towards Taehyung.

"Master Seokjin had prepared this before he left," the maid said, her voice light. Namjoon grumbled in annoyance (and a hint of jealousy) when he heard that. "Please enjoy." she smiled at Taehyung before leaving.

Taehyung wasn't particularly hungry and ended up paying the food no mind. This upset Namjoon. "Is the food not to your liking, Taehyung-ah?" he asked after ten minutes of Taehyung not eating.

Taehyung felt a shiver run down his spine at Namjoon's voice. "I-It's not that..." he quickly tries to defend, "I guess I just feel awkward... being the only one eating while you work," his voice got quieter as he spoke.

Namjoon didn't respond. He got up from his desk and stood in front of Taehyung. Taehyung blushed as they made eye contact. Namjoon gently picked up one of the sandwich halves and took a greedy bite before handing it back to Taehyung.

"Now you're not the only one eating." Namjoon simply responded before heading back to his desk.

Taehyung didn't understand why but he felt a small hint of anticipation bubble in his stomach at the small action. Now holding the sandwich in his hand he couldn't help but think about how it had Namjoon's lips on it just moments ago. The thought made him practically inhale the rest of the sandwich.

Namjoon watched with hungry eyes as Taehyung finished the rest of his food. It was comforting to know that the younger wasn't going on a hunger strike due to this whole hostage circumstance. Namjoon could go ahead and do Taehyung's background check, and subsequently let him go, but what would the fun be in that?

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