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"Meet me in my room later tonight."

Namjoon's words rang through Taehyung's mind for hours. He knew what the male wanted, he wasn't dense but just nervous and conflicted. Part of him wanted to keep reminding himself that this man kidnapped him after he accidentally witnessed an attempted murder.

But the other, much louder, part of him can't stop drooling at how attractive all of the men are. Has he already developed Stockholm syndrome? He shuddered at the thought.

It's now or never, Taeyhung thinks to himself.

As he reached to open the door, the knob turned, and in walked Jeongguk who did not look happy when he took in Taehyung's appearance. Taehyung was freshly showered, hair still a little damp and clinging to his skin, dressed in an oversized sweatshirt and basketball shorts that were shorter than his usual preference.

"Where are you off to, Taehyung-ah?" Jeongguk asked, cocking his head to the side as he walked into Taehyung's 'room'.

Taehyung inched backward as Jeongguk took long strides towards him. "N-Nowhere," he says, embarrassed at his real intentions. 

"Really?" Jeongguk asked. The back of Taehyung's knees hit the edge of the bed. Jeongguk's fingers delicately caressed Taehyung's face as he leaned in and whispered in his ear "Because I think you're on your way to Namjoon's room,"

The hairs on the back of Taehyung's neck stood up as he felt Jeongguk's breath on his skin. His face flared in embarrassment not only at what Jeongguk was implying but rather that he was right. "H-How did you know?"

Jeongguk leaned back and smirked, his thumb lingering on Taehyung's cheek for a moment. "Namjoon wasn't subtle when he told you about tonight's rendezvous." Jeongguk maintained eye contact as he slowly walked around the bed before getting on and leaning against the headboard.

"Do you want to know the funny part?" Jeongguk asked.


Jeongguk motioned for Taehyung to come towards him, and he obeyed like an obedient puppy. Jeongguk smirked at how well-trained their new pet was becoming. When Taehyung was within reach, Jeongguk grabbed his delicate wrist and pulled him onto the bed. Taehyung gasped as he was now sat between Jeongguk's legs.

"The funny part is that he probably did all of that to make me jealous, and it fucking worked."

"You're jealous?" Taehyung asked innocently. He never had anyone fight over him before and he kind of liked the feeling. It made him feel wanted.

Jeongguk scoffed. "Of course I am" The tips of his fingers trailed down Taehyung's side, starting from his cheek and moving to the base of his hip at a tauntingly slow pace. "I wanted to be the first to taste you, to touch you, to hear you,"

His confession made Taehyung blush and look down at his lap. Jeongguk, unhappy with that, used his thumb to lift Taehyung's chin to make him look at him. "It only makes sense that it's me, who's the one who took care of you your first day here? And who's the one here with you now,"

Jeongguk gently pushed Taehyung onto his back, now hovering over the male. Jeongguk had Taehyung pinned by the wrists, his grip loose but dominant. "Of course, I'll only do anything with your consent," he said, looking into Taehyung's doe-eyes. "So tell me, Taehyung-ah, what is it that you want?"

Taehyung answered without thinking. "I want you to kiss me,"

Jeongguk was quick to oblige, leaning in and kissing Taehyung passionately. His tongue swiped Taehyung's lips before entering to taste him. Taehyung tilted his head, giving better access as he let Jeongguk take full control of the kiss. He tasted like cigarettes and candy, it oddly worked for Jeongguk.

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