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Seokjin, the one with the gun, showed Taehyung to his room after taking the handcuff key from Namjoon. Despite Namjoon being the leader, the staff seemed more on edge by Seokjin. But that could also be due to the gun that was loosely pointed in Taehyung's direction.

After a long walk down the corridor, Seokjin unlocked the door to a bedroom. At least he wasn't being kept in the basement. "Just so you know, in case you try to run, my room is across from yours and you're on either side of Yoongi and Hoseok," Seokjin said as Taehyung entered the room.  "So don't try to run, we'll hear you."

Seokjin then gripped Taehyung by the wrist and pulled him within a foot's distance. Taehyung gasped at the sudden close proximity. "Don't get too excited," Seokjin mumbled. He took a key out of his pocket and undid Taehyung's handcuffs, the metal falling to the floor, before Seokjin pushed him back.

Taehyund stumbled back, caressing the raw skin on his wrists. "Try not to cause too much trouble before dinner." Seokjin then slammed and locked the door.

Taehyung waited until he heard Seokjin's footsteps disappear down the hallway before he made a b-line for the windows. Of course, they were locked. And even if they weren't he was on the second story and it was a stone patio below him. Even if he could jump down he'd be looking at a few broken bones. 

A few hours must have passed, judging by the setting sun, and Taehyung spent the time trying to quietly look for an exit in the room. Soon Taehyung heard heavy footsteps. Panicking, Taehyung jumped on the bed and pretended to be taking a nap when he heard the bedroom door unlock and open. 

"Get up." An angry voice said. "And I'm not dumb enough to believe that you were napping." Taehyung looked up to see Yoongi glaring at him from the doorway. 

Taehyung reluctantly got up, upset that his ploy didn't work. He reached his wrists out to Yoongi, assuming that he needed to be cuffed again. Yoongi scoffed. "Didn't think you'd be so eager for me to cuff you and tie you up."

Taehyung pulls his hands back. "N-No I didn't mean it l-like t-that," Taehyung stuttered.

Yoongi smirked, grabbing Taehyung by the wrist and dragging him out of the room, making Taehyung's face flush pink. "We didn't find anything to make us think that you have to be handcuffed." He then turned to face Taehyung. "But none of us would mind handcuffing you in our free time." Taehyung's face got even hotter.

Yoongi led him to a formal dining room where the other men had already gathered, sitting him in between Hoseok and Jeongguk and right across from Jimin, Namjoon at the head of the table. Taehyung scotted to the far left side of his seat, as Hoseok was polishing a knife to his right.

"Don't worry about him," Jeongguk said. Taehyung turned to his left and realized that in his attempt to put distance between himself and Hoseok (particularly Hoseok's knife), he'd practically put himself on top of Jeongguk.

"I-I'm so sorry," Taehyung apologized, putting himself back in the middle between Jeongguk and Hoseok. 

Jeonggk rolled his eyes. "You know, I'm almost offended at how scared you are at all of us." he then looked in Hoseok's direction. "Although I can't blame you considering you're sat next to Mr. Stabby." 

Hoseok stabbed his knife into the table. "I do NOT have a stabbing problem!"

"That is mahogany you dipshit!" Jimin snapped,  confiscating Hoseok's knife. It made Taehyung feel a little better that Mr. Stabby no longer had immediate access to a weapon.

Before things could escalate further, maids walked in and served dinner to the men. Taehyung was surprised he was being served food considering he's technically a hostage and all. As the rest of the men dug into their food Taehyung became aware of the very real possibility that his food was poisoned.

"Why are you just staring at your food like that?" Namjoon snapped at Taehyung. Taehyung hadn't realized he had zoned out until he noticed that all of the men had finished their meals. "We don't have to feed you, you know-"

"No!" Taehyung panicked at the thought of starving to death in this place. He picked up his fork and began wolfing down all the food on his plate. The men stared at him with a mixture of amusement and concern as Taehyung began to eat his food like a competitive eater. 

Taehyung felt as if he was going to vomit by his last bite. Yoongi laughed at Taehyung's face, his cheeks red and puffed. "Didn't know you were so obedient," The rest of the men laughed at Yoongi's comment. Taehyung, meanwhile, felt humiliated. 

Between the humiliation, the fast eating, and the constant need to cry, Taehyung couldn't hold it in anymore and leaned over the side of the table and vomited on Hoseok's shoes. 

"What the fuck?!" Hoseok shouted.

"I-I'm so s-sorry!" Taehyung apologized in between gags, trying (but failing) to catch his breath. The stress of the situation finally caught up to him and a panic attack began. 

Hoseok grabbed his knife back from Jimin. "This kid's more trouble than he's worth, let's just fucking end this now."

Seokjin stood up before Hoseok could do anything. "We all agreed no more killing in the dining room!"

"P-Please don't kill me!" Taehyung begged. He grabbed napkins from the table and desperately tried to clean up his mess. "P-Please I just want to go home! I p-promise I won't bother you ever again! I just w-want to go home."

Hoseok sighed, putting the knife back on the table. He now pitied the boy, and he had a feeling that the rest of his members were starting to feel the same. 

Jeongguk, the one who admittedly had the most heart left in him, spoke up next. "I'll go clean him up," he said. He leaned down and attempted to guide the sobbing man out of the room. Taehyung was shaking as he let Jeongguk guide him back to his room. He kept apologizing through tears and Jeongguk just nodded along, trying to comfort the boy.

The remaining five men were left in silence, watching the two disappear down the hall. "It's only been one day," Seokjin muttered. "What is that boy doing to us?"


thank you for reading this chapter!

sorry for any mistakes or errors

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bye <3

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