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Taehyung was uncomfortable. His entire body felt limp and he could barely open his eyes. He was sitting upright, his neck in pain from having slept in the position. He tried to reach up and touch his face before realizing that his hands were bound behind his back. Not only that but his feet were tied to the chair as well.

His eyes shot open as memories came flooding back to him; he saw something he shouldn't have and then he was knocked out for knowing too much.

He started to hyperventilate as he frantically looked around the room. It was cold and dark, only illuminated by one hanging lightbulb above him. There were no windows and only one door. Taehyung tried shaking the chair only to find that it was bolted to the ground. 

Were they going to kill him in here? Rape and torture him? He saw what they did to that poor man in the alley, and that was just an alley! Who knows what they're capable of in their location? 

Taehyung didn't know how long he had been sitting there when the door swung open. He immediately recognized the man as the one from the alley, the one who had ordered the others to grab him. The man was dressed better than he was in the alley, no longer covered in blood spatters. He dropped the thick folder he was holding onto the table in front of Taehyung before sitting across from him.

Kim Taehyung was printed on the label. The man spoke up before Taehyung had the chance to ask questions.

"Thanks to you, our little friend got away," he said. Despite the situation, his tone and body language came off as uncaring. "Care to explain yourself?" he asked, looking Taehyung dead in the eyes.

Taehyung didn't know how to respond. "Wha-what?" he stumbled out. 

The man in front of him tsked. "You'd think you'd have more to say after interrupting such an important... conversation." He slid Taehyung a glass of water, merely a power move considering his hands were still bound behind his back. 

Taehyung's brows furrowed. "You almost killed that man!" the man quirked an eyebrow at the sudden outburst, but he let Taehyung continue. "That-that wasn't a conversation," his voice grew quieter by the word. 

"So you admit it? That your intrusion was planned?"

"No!" The man smirked, amused by how easy it was to get a rise out of Taehyung. "I mean; no, I didn't know that that was happening when I opened the door."

The man did not react, he already knew as much. "But you're relieved, aren't you? Relieved that you saved him?"

Taehyung felt an odd sense of pride knowing that the man had gotten away. "I guess so?" he said more as a question.

"Then I suppose you're also relieved that he escaped, only for you to take his place?" Taehyung paled at the realization. As selfish as it sounds, Taehyung would rather live in ignorance about the man than be tied up now. 

But he only kept quiet. 

The man continued. "I hope you know that we can't let you go now." Taehyung did not know this. "But of course you knew that, why else would you have gotten involved?"

"I didn't mean to get involved," Taehyung whispered. A feeling of dread pooled inside him at his new reality. He was going to die here. 

"What was that, doll?"

Taehyung hated the last comment, knowing that the man only said it to belittle him. "I didn't mean to get involved," he repeated a little louder this time. "I was only trying to take out the trash." 

The man smiled. "I know." He opened the folder revealing an extensive background check done on Taehyung. How long had I been out? Taehyung immediately wondered. In front of him was a small stack of pages documenting what he assumed to be everything about him. "Kim Taehyung. Age twenty-three. Born December thirtieth. Full-time student at Seoul University of the Arts, studying photography -a useless field if you ask me. Part-time employee at Insomnia Cafe and Bakery. Lives in a single-bedroom apartment four point six miles from campus. Both parents are deceased and no known siblings. Did I miss anything?"

Taehyung mumbled something. "What was that, doll?" The man asked, not having heard Taehyung. 

"I also have a dog," Taehyung repeated. 

The man chuckled. "Ah yes, how could I forget little Yeontan?" It scared Taehyung how the man didn't even have to look through the folder, he'd already memorized Taehyung's entire life. 

Poor Yeontan, all alone in Taehyung's apartment waiting for his nightly walk. If Taehyung were to die here, Yeontan would likely starve to death in his apartment. Tears began to fall from Taehyung's eyes when he realized this. 

"Please let me go," Taehyung whimpered. He couldn't help but get emotional at the thought of his pure dog suffering. If the man in front of him had any humanity left in him he would have reacted to Taehyung's plea. Instead, he remained stoic. 

"You know that we can't do that." Taehyung began to cry more when he said that. "Not until we know that you're not affiliated with that man." 

The way the man phrased it gave Taehyung hope. As soon as they realized that he had no affiliation with this man, they would let him go! Considering how quickly they were able to get information about Taehyung, he had no doubt that they'd be able to find this too.

"Well aren't you excited now," the man chimed, noting the drastic change in Taehyung's demeanor. "I just hope you know that even after we let you go, you'll never be completely free from us."

Taehyung's heart sank when he heard that remark. He didn't know who this man- or the other five for that matter- were. He'd never be able to escape them.

The man stood up from his chair.

"Now let's get you out of here. I think it's time you meet the rest of my team, especially considering you'll be real close to them for the foreseeable future," he smirked, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Taehyung gulped. 


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