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Taehyung was beginning to go stir-crazy. He's been in the mansion for a week now. A week without being able to even go outside. Surely it can't this long to do a simple background check!

The worst part was that all six men had returned to their day-to-day lives, leaving Taehyung alone during the day. While he was admittedly a little scared of them, he preferred some presence over no presence.

On the bright side, he was now no longer confined to his room. The men didn't trust him enough to let him leave the house, however, he was free to wander around as long as he doesn't enter any of their home offices.

Currently, Taehyung was in the living room, attempting but failing to occupy his mind with a book. He gave up on his book and instead headed towards the home bar cart. Yes, he's resorted to day drinking but only allows himself a glass of wine or two. No one seems to care.

The fact that today marks a whole week since Taehyung's arrival has made him begin to feel less than optimistic. Were they lying to him when they said they would let him go? Is anybody looking for him? Surely his work would notice that he stopped showing up to shifts and his professors would notice that he hasn't turned in any recent assignments.

Is his dog okay? That was the question that plagued him the most.

One bottle of red wine later and he's still leaning over the bar, a blank expression on his face as he stares out the window. It's nighttime now, when did that happen?

Taehyung could hear the front door open and one of the men stomp into the house, cursing at nothing. Taehyung lazily got up from his spot at the bar and stumbled towards the door, curious at who it was.

Yoongi was angrily heading up the stairs, spots of blood visible on his shirt. Taehyung, being bored and curious, decided to follow the man upstairs. When he got to Yoongi's room he drunkenly leaned on the doorframe.

"What are you doing here, Taehyung?" Yoongi grumbled, not even turning around to face the man.

Taehyung snorted. "'M bored," his voice unintentionally slurred. "What happened you?"

"Not my blood," Yoongi simply explained. He took off his soiled dress shirt and Taehyung immediately noticed the lack of wounds on Yoongi's chest. Guess it wasn't his blood. "Why are you drunk?"

"'M not drunk," Taehyung huffed. As if on cue, he stumbled forward and landed face-first on Yoongi's bed. It was much softer than his own, especially the one in his apartment. 

"Taehyung. Go to bed." Yoongi said.

"Nooo," Taehyung groaned, cuddling himself into Yoongi's bed and wrapping his legs around a pillow. "Bed soft," Yoongi attempted to pick him up, but considering his own tired state and Taehyungs body practically being dead weight, he gave up.

"Fine, but you better be gone when I get back." Yoongi sighed. Taehyung paid him no mind as he heard Yoongi start the shower in his ensuite. About ten minutes later and Taehyung was still lying in Yoongi's bed, only half awake.

Yoongi came back into his room, scowling that Taehyung was still in his bed. Realizing that it would be easier to just leave him be, he ended up just crawling into the other side of bed. "You really are difficult," he muttered, upset that Taehyung had taken his side of the bed.

Taehyung smiled, finding the older's antics quite funny to watch. Yeah, he's a dangerous criminal but Taehyung is the one that gets to take up the majority of the bed. 

"Yoonie," Taehyung called out.

"Don't call me that."

"Yoonie~" Taehyung giggled, turning to face Yoongi.

Yoongi kept trying to ignore Taehyung, only for the male to keep calling him Yoonie~ in a high-pitched voice. "What?" he lightly snapped.

Taehyung didn't seem fazed by his harsh tone. "When can I go home?" Taehyung asked, scooting closer to Yoongi. 

"You can go home when we realize you're not a threat," Yoongi said. That's what they've been telling him all week.

Taehyung pouted. "How long is that going to take? Do you all suck at your job or something."

Yoongi groaned. "Go to sleep, Taehyung."


The next morning one of the maids had alerted Namjoon that Taehyung was nowhere to be found. Namjoon, believing that Taehyung had finally decided to try and escape, had the guards turn over the security cameras and guard reports, however, he was perplexed to find that Taehyung was not seen leaving by any of the guards.

He decided to check with the other members who all said that they didn't see Taehyung when they came home late last night and had all assumed he went to bed. Namjoon didn't want to wake or disturb Yoongi, however, considering Yoongi came home first last night Namjoon needed to see if he knew where Taehyung was.

He knocked on Yoongi's door, hearing Yoongi call out the expected "Fuck off! Can't I get some fucking sleep!"

Namjoon ignored him, calling out "I'm coming in!" Thankfully the door was unlocked. Namjoon had expected to walk in and see a sleeping Yoongi. What he didn't expect was to see Taehyung clocked out in the bed, lightly snoring.

"He was too heavy to move," Yoongi grumbled, visibly exhausted.

Namjoon quickly regained his composure. "Why is he even in your room?"

"He was drunk," Yoongi said. Namjoon then noticed the paid medicine and glass of water on the nightstand next to Taehyung. Did Yoongi do that?

First Jeongguk, Seokjin, and now Yoongi were beginning to show signs of getting too close to the boy. Namjoon was smart enough to know that this cannot be good.


Thank you for reading this chapter

sorry that it took so long to write, I'll try to update again soon

please vote and comment if you enjoyed

sorry for any mistakes or errors

bye <3

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