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Taehyung followed closely behind the man he still didn't know the name of. He could run, but he had a feeling that he would only make it a few feet before being yanked back. And he knew that the only way to get out would be if the men trusted him. Which they currently didn't, as evident by the handcuffs Taehyung was wearing.

Originally Taehyung thought that he was in an abandoned warehouse or a dank basement, but now he finds himself walking down the halls of a beautiful mansion. He wasn't passing by scary-looking gang members but rather pleasant-looking maids and staff, all of whom smiled and bowed at the man in front of Taehyung.

None of them batted an eye at Taehung.

Taehyung got nervous when he looked out one of the many windows and couldn't see a single building in the distance.

The man led him to a large formal sitting room where five other men had already gathered, Taehyung recognizing them as the other men from the alleyway. They all became silent when they saw Taehyung enter.

When Taehyung sat down he noticed that the man closest to the exit had a gun. "Does he know why he's here?" the man with the gun asked. He didn't even look at Taehyung, instead looking at the man who had interrogated Taehyung.

The man who guided him nodded. "He knows that we won't let him leave until we know that it really was an accident that he caught us."

Another man spoke up. "And if we find out it wasn't."

"We'll kill him." Another one said casually. Taehyung felt the air being knocked out of him at that moment, tears beginning to prick at his eyes.

"Don't jump to conclusions." One of them snapped, giving Taehyung a momentary moment of relief. "We could just extort him for information." That didn't make Taehyung feel better.

One of the men smirked at Taehyung's reaction. "Don't worry, if you're innocent you should have nothing to worry about."

Taehyung didn't want to cry in front of the men. His entire face heated up with tears as he looked down at the ground.

One of the men sighed. "We should probably tell him our names at least, considering he'll be staying here for at least a few days,"

"You can't be serious," another snapped.

A third shrugged his shoulders. "It's not like our names aren't already somewhat common knowledge to our enemies."

"Fair enough," the man who guided Taehyung from the interrogation room said. "I'm Namjoon, I'm the one in charge here."

The man with the gun spoke up next. "Seokjin."

"I'm Jeongguk," the one who suggested that they shared their names. He seemed to be the one who pitied Taehyung the most.

"Jimin." Despite being the shorted he still intimidated the crap out of Taehyung.

"Yoongi." Even though Namjoon was in charge Yoongi scared Taehyung the most based purely on vibe. 

The last one was the only one who smiled at Taehyung. "I'm Hoseok."

Despite now knowing their names Taehyung didn't feel any more comfortable around them. "How long will you keep me here?" Taehyung whimpered.

Yoongi cooed mockingly. "However long as we want to." That response only made Taehyung cry more.

"Please just let me go, I promise I won't tell anyone anything." Taehyung pleaded. He had a life he had to get back too. He became desperate, falling to his knees and begging for release.

His plea fell on deaf ears.

"Someone outta show him to his room." one of the men sighed, none of them wanting to deal with the crying male anymore.

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