It Might Work Out

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I packed my bag for the long day today. I signed the JROTC papers and am now on my way to the Spec ops division today to do a weapons class. We are going to learn how to use military batons and shit like that. As I said, pain.

I grab my bag off my desk and walk downstairs.

"Alright dad see ya. Have a good day."

"You have fun out there alright?" he replies

"Will do" I say as I grab an apple from the kitchen counter. My dog greets me in the doorway. His name is Snow. he's an old husky mix. He wags his tail wanting to go on a walk. I reach down and pet his soft white head.

"Not today buddy." still wagging his tail and staring through the glass door. I open the door and walk out to my car. When I turn around the front corner of the car the front left side of the bumper falls down and scrapes against the ground. I lean over, pick it up and smack it back in place.

"I'll have to fix that when I get back. " I hop in the car and start driving out of the driveway. When my phone buzzes. It's Dash, the guy who Robert talked about last night.

"Hey, this is Calvin right?"

"Yes, and you are Dash?"

"yeah it is. Heard you have a good chance like me for getting into spec ops." he says. I stop for a minute thinking about what could happen in the future if I go into this class.

"Is it definite that we get in?" I ask.

"Yeah, pretty much. Everyone else just doesn't give a shit about their work. Except jeremy. He's kinda scary. First time around he might beat your ass but he won't have a chance next time."

"Well thanks for the reassuring pep talk Dash." I say

"Anytime." he replies I pulled onto a secluded forest road. Sad music from the radio starts playing again. Then the question I should've asked in the first place, which I have no idea why I didn't, came up in my mind.

" Will we ever see war time?" I ask. There is a long pause.

"Probably, I even have a hard time accepting that. Are you gonna bail now? Because I completely understand if you do. The war scene isn't for everybody." I think for a second.

"hell no!" I respond confidently, still nervous on the inside.

"Alright! meet you at weapons training." I hang up the phone as I pass a massive opening in the trees and see a massive concrete and metal facility. It has a rifle range on the left where I see two kids probably around my age practicing shooting big heavy snipers. Each shot hits the bullseye and makes a massive echo.

I get out of the car and grab my bag from the back of the car. I shut the trunk and when doing so the front bumper falls completely off. I go over to the front of the car, pick up the bumper and then shove it into the back seat. I then walk across the dirt and gravel parking lot which only has 2 other cars in it. A beat up black and white Chevy truck turns into the parking lot and parks. It's blaring music. The guy gets out of the car and is wearing a vinyl jacket with a thick heavy silver chain. Thinking he wouldn't care about me I continued my way up the steps.

"Ey dumbass I don't think you know where you're going." the guy yells at me. I turn around and respond

"I'm the new guy here. Today's my first day." he starts walking up the stairs to the main door.

"Oh yeah Rob told me about you." I get to the top of the staircase. He starts to talk again.

"You're the guy who's gonna try and replace me."

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