Some James Bond shit

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This day went by normally. Nothing different, nothing new. I went to my first block and saw that Jeremy still wasn't there and probably wouldn't make the mission. I sat next to Claire and we talked and had a bunch of fun in total, especially since now I knew Joan in the friend group and she sat right next to us. I got a class change to be put into some of Dash's classes which was cool. Aiden continued his constant insults toward me and I understood why. What I did to Jeremy wasn't cool but in my defense he did come to school with a Crowbar the next day and beat me with it. Some of the freshmen recognized me from the fight and tried to become friends with me. Not like I blew them off or anything; it's just the times and the distance just don't pair up. I hung out with Dash a bit and then had a whole ass slew of homework to do. I guess that's what happens when you miss out on a whole school week. I met a new kid Named Kian. He was cool and apparently used to be friends with Dash and Claire's friend group. Oh also thinking about her friend group there were a lot more people that were nice. Obviously Aiden hungout with them mixed in with some new people that I had seen in the hallways. One kid who I ended up becoming good friends with was a guy by the name of Levi. He always wore Jeans and usually a really baggy gray sweatshirt. He had wavy hair and it went down to his shoulders. That was the only day I had a break from anything. The next morning I saw myself boarding a plane at 4 am. 4 IN THE FUCKING MORNING! Well anyways I sat next to Dash and Jeremy was on the other side of him. We were on the way to Washington DC. My first mission was pretty easy. Infiltrate, neutralize, and abandon. The Administration would do the rest. The only hard part was lying straight to my dad and Grandparents faces. That I was going on a "School trip," That took me down to DC around the same time everybody else did except a day earlier. The only part that worried me was the fact that my school was going to see the President speak at the Capitol building. So that would mean everybody would be there. We couldn't let them know I was in the program. The plane ride went by quickly when I put my headset on and fell asleep.



I was awoken by the plane landing. Its tires hit the pavement with a screech. I look over at Dash.

"You have to meet Jezen when we get off the plane. He is in a black Chevy Denali over on the Uber lane." He says.

"Good luck Cal." Jeremy says. I nod at him. Just so you know At this point i'm still pissed at him. I soon would not be though. The attempt happens a day from now. It's just a matter of me blending in with the thugs. I grab my bags and carry them outside to the Uber lane where I see the black Denali. It looks like those weird transports you see in the movies. The truck has a bash bar on the front of it and looked like the same one as the image on the file. I knock on the window. I put on my fake french accent that I learned from my Theater classes many years back. The man opens the window and lowers his sunglasses.

"Hello sir, this is Clement Agathe." I say The man's face brightens up with a large smile as he opens the door and hops out the truck.

"Nephew! Nice to see you here!" He says with a grin on his face. Me wondering what the H#ll got me into this situation. I act like I'm happy to see him. I'm gonna have to have a word with Robert when I get back.

"Hey Uncle Jezen, it's nice to see you again. Don't we have business we must take care of?" I ask him. He looks at me with a grin.

"Yes, we have business to take care of. I am glad you were able to Leave your school trip for this mission." He says. It finally clicks after a few seconds. Wait a minute Jezen had someone at our school? Someone who would know it was me if I took out his uncle because Dash and Jeremy are all on the school trip. Everyones there except me. I had to keep my mind focused on the task at hand.

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